Friday, December 24, 2010

The best gift of all!

Dear Baby Girl,

Mommy and Daddy are so excited that we will be meeting you very soon! Today is Christmas Eve! I am so glad that God and Santa heard all of our prayers for a baby! And this Christmas we are so excited to have this wonderful gift of life (you) in my belly preparing for your big debut in February! You are everything we have ever wanted and so much more! Keep growing and learning your little actions and movements in my tummy so that when you are born you can show them off to us! I love you! Daddy loves you! And the entire world who does not even know you yet, loves you! Stay healthy and strong Baby Zoe! Mommy will be right here helping you along the way for your big day!


Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3-D/4-D Ultrasound today!

Today we saw Baby Zoe in 3-D and 4-D! Almost like the movies, lol! It was so awesome!

Here she is practicing sticking out that bottom lip for daddy to give her the world! She has a few where she is pouting with her lips! So cute!

I love this one because she is resting her hand on her face!

Here is just another one that looks so adorable!
Soon we will see her in person! How cool that there is such technology in the world for awesome experiences such as this!
Mommy and Daddy love you Baby Zoe! We will see you in a few weeks so stay strong, healthy, and happy!

Monday, December 20, 2010


How awesome is this??? We have almost finished the baby room!!!! Now we just need diapers and bottles! Then we will be ready to have our precious baby girl!!!! Can you believe we did this all by ourselves! I think we should be paid! :-)
Here is the left of the room!

Here is from the left of the room!
Here is a sky view of the crib! Yes we do know not to have the baby bumper in there for a while! We just wanted to add it for now to make it look cute!!!! And I know the lamp should not be there either! Ha ha ha, we are in the process of getting something to hold that up! :-)
Here is a view from the right side! SO ADORABLE!!!! The only thing you can not see is the three drawer changing table chest that matched the crib! I figured it didn't need to be in the picture! This is way better! Don't you think?
Thank you hubby (Joey) for helping so much! Joey, you are the best husband and best friend ever! You will be the best daddy in the whole world!!! I can not wait!!!!

Now back to the list of things to do! ha ha ha!
Mommy to be!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

WOW, 7-9 more weeks to go!!!!

So the countdown begins!!!! Only 7-9 more weeks to go! It has been moving extremely slow for me but the last few days I started feeling excited, anxious, worried, and like it is crunch time to get things done!
The picture above shows the babies room a few hours ago! Joey finished painting the baby room and we are in the progress of putting up the border! It is so much harder then I thought! I honestly would much rather pay someone a good honest days work then to go through the frustration I have seen Joey and even myself go through! But then again, in the end... it is all worth it and for our baby girl!!! We decided to go with yellow instead mint green! It came out awesome! We also decided that after 1-2 years or so we will change the room to be more of a little girls room with pinks, purples, greens, and butterflies and flowers.... Until then it's all
I can not wait to show you the finished product!!!

So here is what 31 weeks pregnant looks like! We start 32 weeks today, yay! If you look closely, you can almost see what use to be my ab muscles right under where the blue shirt is on the right of the picture! They are in hibernation for now... but do not worry, they will be back! lol

Here is a sideways picture and partially front picture so you can see just how my belly looks!
Can you see my belly button poking out on the picture below????
So here are the things we have or I have left to do, until we meet our baby girl (not in any particular order):
1.) Attend Birthing Classes in Jan.
2.) Pack Hospital bag for me and baby zoe and maybe even daddy
3.) Plan doggy sitter- Zerique??? and if so also just in case a back up for 1/2 day due to AUSTIN Marathon???
4.) Write down my actual birth plan or idea
5.) Make a list of people to call and have certain people call from that list when it is the time:-)
6.)Finish set up of baby room
7.) Do I wash all her new clothes or just some????
8.) Figure out what baby clothes are for what and when....
9.) Get lots of diapers!!!
10.) Get bottles!!!
11.) Finalize a pediatrician
12.) Change over from our old insurance to new insurance (paperwork and stuff)
13.) Look into what daycare or home daycare works best for us in MAY and then in August....
14.) Spend time with hubby!
15.) Spend time with doggies!
16.) Lesson plan for the first six weeks I will be out on maternity leave and help teachers with actual lesson to use for that time period!
17.) Lesson plan for the two weeks after Holiday break and then the time before I leave for maternity leave!
18.) Put car seat in car properly, or leaning like Zaelynns (she came out just fine!!!!)
19.) Pre-register to be admitted into hospital for labor and delivery so I do not have to on the day!
20.) Rest, relax, and breathe!
That's a long list... I know I missed stuff... let me know what you think about some of the ones I have in question... also if I need to add more to our list! ha ha ha

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Starting 31 weeks!

Here are some pictures from the past week!
I thought you might enjoy them! Look at our baby girl! She is growing so much!
Weighing a little over 2.5 pounds with about 3% fat... did you know she still needs about 12% more body fat before birth! I guess I am going to have to gain some more weight! lol!
So far to date, I have gained 19-21 pounds depending on the scale and time of day! Ha Ha Ha! Yes, it does matter to me, for all those wondering why I gave a range! lol!

Can you see that magical and mysterious line that becomes visible in most pregnant women! Wow, mine almost goes all the way to start of my sternum!

To the right is a picture of my sister Holly, then me, then my Bestfriend since 6th grade Monica, and cousin in law Janene! Would you believe they were in our wedding almost 5 years ago!

Here is a belly picture of last Sunday, when I started my 30th week! It looks cuter with a shirt
one, I think!
And now, I start 31 weeks! I will put a new picture up next week! I like to snap them every other week! I think my belly is bigger than last week already, but I will let you wait in suspense!

I have one more week left to teach until we get off for two weeks for Christmas Break!!!!

We have our tree up and decorations! We even have some gifts wrapped!

I love the Christmas season!!! It is one of my favorite Holidays of the whole year!!!! I can't wait until next year when we get to share every day with our baby girl! Only 70 more days until we get to meet her! I am so excited! I pray each and every night that she is growing strong and healthy! I thank God each and every night for this wonderful gift of life! By that way, did you now that "Zoe" means life!!!!! So it is perfect, "ZOE GRACE" for life and grace!!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


30th Week! Baby Zoe weighs about 2.5 pounds and has a strong heart beat of 148 bpm! We are almost there!!!!
Baby Jogger Stroller
Wonderful Hubby and Me!
Mari's and Chris's Cake for US!!!!
Baby Shower Decorations and gifts!

We had a FAMILY BABY SHOWER yesterday! It was so awesome! My bestfriend and mother in law helped put it all together and let it flow awesome!

We had hand made centerpeices of marshmallows dipped in chocolate and sprinkles, along with pretzel sticks dipped in chocolate as well! Yummy!
Zerique made a banner also! She is very crafty, were I am more like... where can we buy it or why don't we buy it??? ha ha ha! I am glad she stood her ground of making everything from the centerpeices to the banner.... it came out so nice and pretty! And I appreciate it so much!

My husband (Joey) and I have a friend that makes cakes out of her house! She made our cake for the baby shower! It came out so cute!!!! Great Job Mari!

We got a lot of cute and precious gifts! Thank you to everyone! We appreciate it so very much! Joey and I joked that Baby Zoe has enough CUTE and ADORABLE clothes until she will start walking! Ha ha ha! So tiny and precious! It's scarry to think she will grow so fast after she is born and will only wear certain thing for a short amount of time!!!! I wish that part went slowly and the pregnancy part went a little faster! lol!

With gift cards, cash gifts, and double items.... we were able to go get our running stroller and car seat carrier bundle from BABIESRUS! "Baby Trend Expedition ELX Travel System Stroller- Everglade" We are so excited and can not wait to go running with our bundle of joy!!!! I actually think Joey was more excited and ready to buy it then me! ha ha ha

Joey has been so awesome this entire pregnancy! He is always excited and ready for anything BABY!!!! He has been a magnificent support with so much help and understanding! I know he is going to be the best dad in the whole world! I can not wait until he gets to hold his baby girl!!!!

Hope you enjoy the baby shower pictures!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Starting my 28th week of pregnancy!!!!

Starting my 28th week of Pregnancy! Baby Zoe is growing more and more! I am so excited and can not wait to meet the baby of our dreams!
My bestfriend was so nice and gave me a bunch of clothes that her precious 9 month baby girl Zaelynn wore when she was in her first few months! Yesterday I finally had time and went through them. I hung some up in the closet and then put some in the 2 of the 3 drawer chest we have! It is so amazing how many cute outfits we have now! Thanks Zerique! Now between what she gave us and what my excited and wondeful husband has been collecting.... we will only need to start buying 6 months and up clothing:-)
It's funny, I was putting them into piles and thought... "I have no idea... when some of these items are suppose to be worn!" Joey and I said someone will have to come teach us what is for what or maybe we will just make are own rules! I guess that is how parenting goes anyways! The best way to learn is just to dive in and see what works for you! Either way, Baby Zoe will look so adorable!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Baby Zoe's to be room and 1/2 Marathon Pictures

Pictures from the Rock N Roll Marathon!

Baby Zoe's Bedroom theme:-)

We are so excited that we decided the bedroom theme for Baby Zoe will be Winne the Pooh. There is a picture from Babiesrus that is shown to the right. We have been really blessed to already have the crib set complete, thanks to some family and great deals at stores! We can not wait to set it all up over Christmas Break:-)

I will post pictures when that happens!

Tomorrow I will give you a sneak peek at my belly for the start of my 28th preggy week!!!! Pretty soon we will meet the baby of our dreams!!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


To start off my 27th week of pregnancy, our little family ran and finished the Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon Sunday Nov. 14th! It was awesome and a little emotional at some parts! To think... I am going to be a mommy! I was running/walking with my precious cargo in my tummy! Joey finished in 2:10 which is a PR for him and then he came back for me at mile 12! We finished together! All three of us! The sad thing is... we have no pictures... I had my camera in the morning on the door... and then guess what??? I moved it off the door and forgot it:-) We will just have to wait for the official marathon pictures!

Joey had some of his family run the half as well! His mom and his cousin! How awesome to experience this with relatives! I am so excited to see our pictures and to mark this down as our first little family experience! We will have so many more! Until then... Baby Zoe, stay tucked in... warm, comfortable, healthy, and growing! We will see you and meet you soon!!!! Love mommy!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Yay, I am finally in the the 3rd TRIMESTER of MY PREGNANCY!!!! I am so excited!

We have a doctor appointment on Thursday! Almost a mommy..... what will I do???? We are almost parents.....

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fun DAYS at school and last weeks update!

Starting my 25th weeks October 31!

I think my belly looks cute with a shirt over it! But hubby requests pictures of the belly:-)

Nerd Day at my school I teach at! I don't have my glasses on in this one:-) I had to put the suspenders on the pockets on the back of my panst because the actualy pant waist was way too high! It looked to weird, so I accomodated!

TWIN day at my school! This is another teacher that is preggy and due the same time as me! Cute belly twins!!! I told her, "No fair, you have a 3 inch advantage!"
Starting my 26th week of pregnancy and starting to get excited and anxious! Baby Zoe moves more and more each day! She likes to use my bladder as a kicking and punching bag! She has now started those same movements below my ribs! It's a really cool and exciting feeling! Sometimes I just want to stop and touch my belly so that I can feel it the entire time she is doing it... but then I remember, I have to keep teaching! lol! I do not think the students would mind, but I would probably not be a very effective teacher if I did that... lol! So I make sure to stop what I am doing outside of school to feel my baby move when ever she does! It's such an awesome feeling and also reassuring to know that the miracle inside my tummy is all these movements inside my belly!
Joey read that pretty soon the movement will not be so much because there will not be so much room for baby Zoe to move... I think I told him I don't care if she jabs me and kicks me harder... I want it all!
We are very excited! I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but know starting the third trimester tomorrow, means it is soon to come!
I have a lot of things to do but am not sure where to start or what it is exactly I should be doing??? Anyone have suggestions or an idea of some kind of countdown or check list of things to have ready or done by the time I am in the last month????
I will be back to post a new belly picture for starting the third trimester... I think I grew a little more from last week :-)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

12 mile run and cute diaper cake!

12 MILES with my baby!

Today I ran 12 miles to prepare for the San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon on Nov. 14th. I ran as much as I could and walked all the lovely hills thrown at us! It feels nice to run when I get in my groove, like after 2 miles!!!! I get tired like after 10 miles.... then I am ready to be done, so 13.1 should be the perfect distance! So baby Zoe will get to complete the race with me in my tummy! How exciting!!!!

When I arrived at the Benchmark run today, my friend Ron showed up with the cutest thing ever. His wife made us a winnie the pooh diaper cake! I thought it was the most thoughtful thing ever and never expected anyone to do such a thing! How amazing and thoughtful and caring some people are! Thanks Miller Family!

The picture is above because I cannot figure out how to put it below the text! lol!
Have a great day!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Growing Baby, growing Belly!

Our baby girl is growing in my belly!

I have been wanting to start a blog like many of my friends... So here I am, day one!

I am so excited to have a blog about our adventure into pregnancy! My hubby and I tried to get pregnant for 2 years and were blessed with this gift right at the two year mark of trying!

I am almost 23 weeks pregnant on Sunday! My belly has grown over night within the last two weeks... It is amazing how quick a baby can grow in the belly!!! Our baby's name will be, "ZOE." Joey and I like the middle name "Rae" but have just fell in love with "Grace." I will keep you updated! Did you know "Zoe" means life and living. How amazing that the very thing in my tummy, that we have been dreaming and praying for is this wondergul gift of life and we are naming her ZOE, the very thing! Life is awesome and God is good! I am so thankful for this gift!

I decided to attach the pictures of my growing belly, with baby Zoe being the force that moves it! lol!
The picture above starts my journey in April 2010, Attending and participating in the BOSTON MARATHON!!!! One month before becoming pregnant!
Being new to blogging, I posted the pictures out of order of this post because I did not know you had to publish after saving! lol!
