Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3-D/4-D Ultrasound today!

Today we saw Baby Zoe in 3-D and 4-D! Almost like the movies, lol! It was so awesome!

Here she is practicing sticking out that bottom lip for daddy to give her the world! She has a few where she is pouting with her lips! So cute!

I love this one because she is resting her hand on her face!

Here is just another one that looks so adorable!
Soon we will see her in person! How cool that there is such technology in the world for awesome experiences such as this!
Mommy and Daddy love you Baby Zoe! We will see you in a few weeks so stay strong, healthy, and happy!


  1. super super super excited!!! Cant wait to meet you baby Zoe!!

  2. Aw! Love the pouty face! Sorry Joey! It's over, this little girl is going to get anything she wants from you! LoL She's got you wrapped around her little finger!
