Friday, December 24, 2010

The best gift of all!

Dear Baby Girl,

Mommy and Daddy are so excited that we will be meeting you very soon! Today is Christmas Eve! I am so glad that God and Santa heard all of our prayers for a baby! And this Christmas we are so excited to have this wonderful gift of life (you) in my belly preparing for your big debut in February! You are everything we have ever wanted and so much more! Keep growing and learning your little actions and movements in my tummy so that when you are born you can show them off to us! I love you! Daddy loves you! And the entire world who does not even know you yet, loves you! Stay healthy and strong Baby Zoe! Mommy will be right here helping you along the way for your big day!


Mommy and Daddy


  1. Can your please stop making me want to cry!!!!!! That was so sweet and I am still hormonal from Zaelynn. I am going to excuse myself now!!!

  2. Sorry Zerique! My eyes were watery writing it!

  3. :) I always get teary eyed reading yours and writing mine! LoL I can imagine how we will all be when she's actually here! :D We love you Zoe!!!!
    Chris & Marysol
