Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting 2011- 34th week of pregnancy!

It is now 2011! Happy New Year to all! I am starting my 34th week of pregnancy! So far since May, I have gained 23 pounds and probably lost all of my muscle! HA HA HA! We just went to a doctor appointment and Baby Zoe is doing awesome with her heart beat at 150 bpm! In about 40-50 more days we will meet baby Zoe!
I usually start the year with ideas of goals I would like to work for or accomplish!
New Year Goals/Wishes:

1. Baby Zoe stays healthy and strong in my tummy and once delivered!
2. Labor and delivery goes smoothly and awesome!
3. I do as good as I can to manage my soon to be new role as a mommy, wife, doggy owner, friend, family member, and teacher job in this life!
4. I get back into the healthy fitness life routines once the doctor clears me!
5. I support hubby in his running adventure as a new first time mommy!
6. I learn to travel and stress less as a first time mommy!
7. I train for a running event as a first time mommy!
8. I finish the running event as a first time mommy!
9. I spend as much time as I can with my baby ZOE and hubby Joey!
10. I do things that I want to do in the best interest of my baby and husband! I do things that make me happy and do not give in to anything or anyone else that has other intentions! I learn to say NO and keep up with the progress I have made to make it in this crazy world with the love of my life-JOEY and soon to be baby of our dreams- ZOE!

May everyone have a wonderful start to 2011! Best wishes! May you be blessed with everything you have prayed and dreamed for!
Love mommy to be,


  1. i love your goals and I know you will complete every single one!

  2. wow i just noticed, i was much bigger at 34 weeks than you are. I was huge!!!!

  3. you have baby girl or baby boy?
    you can determine the sex of unborn baby
    with 4D ultrasounds
