Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thoughtful Gift

Baby Zoe,
You are so loved by so many already! This wonderful gift was on our door step for you this week! I love tigger and winnie the pooh themed things! Your whole bedroom is set up with this theme! This cute Pooh and blanket will fit right in! I know you will love it! It is so thoughtful that your Aunt Nichole and Counsin Brianna mailed it just for you!
We went to the doctor yesterday for our 2 week check up! You are doing awesome with a strong heartbeat of 141 bpm! You are moving your head even more closer and closer to you exit into this wonderful world! lol! You love to push your head all over my bladder and what feels like the area near my pelvic bones! You also enjoy putting your little butt up into the air causing my tummy to look lopside and cute!
Sometimes daddy kisses my tummy and makes a noise with his mouth and you move so fast! It feels so funny in my tummy! It's amazing how I can feel your every move! It is such a joy and I can not wait until I get to hold you in my arms!!!!
I love you so much and so does this world all around!
Stay healthy, strong, and happy! Mommy and Daddy will be right here waiting for when you are ready for your big debute!
Love, Mommy!

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