Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Starting 36th week with a Bang!

Awesome Baby Shower Jan. 16th- Hosted by Elaine and Brad Smelly Diaper Game was a hit! Baby Bingo Game was a really big hit, everyone was so engaged and competitive! lol Thank you for all of Baby Zoe's Gifts!!!! We are very thankful and most appreciative! We are blessed to have such thoughtful friends! Following are a few we got some pictures of! Homemade/sewn blanket from Mrs. Musick! It is so soft and beautiful! This one is coming with us to the hospital for Baby Zoe!

Painted picture by Glenda Harper! Thank you so much, it goes perfect with our nursery and is already hangingin in the room! We love it!

Very cute and tasteful cake! Very awesome colors! This what greeted us at the door as we walked in! It was a diaper wreathe! Cute idea and thoughtful!

Elaine thought of decorations that were more like take home decorations to be used for Baby Zoe. So everythign hanging on their stair case, chandler, door, and even fire place was items that can be used by or for Baby Zoe! Wow, it was such a sight to see! We were overwhelmed with how thoughtful and creative this was... and for us! Who would have thought? It was really awesome and we appreciate it so much! Did you notice the glass cylinders on the fire place also??? Those are filled as well! Thank you two so much for your thoughfulness and caring hearts! Words can not express how grateful we are to have you two as our friends and how much we thank you for all that you have done! THANK YOU!

Starting WEEK 36 with my hubby at my side at the baby shower! It was a very exciting day! From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank everyone who attended and all of your thoughtful and caring gifts for Baby Zoe! This baby, is the baby we have hoped and prayed for! This baby, is the baby we have dreamed about! This baby, is the baby that is loved by so many and will continue to be loved by so many more once she steps her little feet into this world! Baby ZOE, Mommy loves you from the bottom of her heart! She is patiently waiting for you to make your grand entrance into this world! Daddy is preparing everything for you so that you can be as comfortable as possible when you make this debute! He loves you from the bottom of his heart and is so excited that you will soon be on your way as well! Hold on, keep strong and healthy! Mommy and Daddy will be here when you are ready! Love, Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. I tried a billion times to fix this post, but got too frustrated! So I decided to leave it as is! Sorry all!
