Sunday, December 5, 2010


30th Week! Baby Zoe weighs about 2.5 pounds and has a strong heart beat of 148 bpm! We are almost there!!!!
Baby Jogger Stroller
Wonderful Hubby and Me!
Mari's and Chris's Cake for US!!!!
Baby Shower Decorations and gifts!

We had a FAMILY BABY SHOWER yesterday! It was so awesome! My bestfriend and mother in law helped put it all together and let it flow awesome!

We had hand made centerpeices of marshmallows dipped in chocolate and sprinkles, along with pretzel sticks dipped in chocolate as well! Yummy!
Zerique made a banner also! She is very crafty, were I am more like... where can we buy it or why don't we buy it??? ha ha ha! I am glad she stood her ground of making everything from the centerpeices to the banner.... it came out so nice and pretty! And I appreciate it so much!

My husband (Joey) and I have a friend that makes cakes out of her house! She made our cake for the baby shower! It came out so cute!!!! Great Job Mari!

We got a lot of cute and precious gifts! Thank you to everyone! We appreciate it so very much! Joey and I joked that Baby Zoe has enough CUTE and ADORABLE clothes until she will start walking! Ha ha ha! So tiny and precious! It's scarry to think she will grow so fast after she is born and will only wear certain thing for a short amount of time!!!! I wish that part went slowly and the pregnancy part went a little faster! lol!

With gift cards, cash gifts, and double items.... we were able to go get our running stroller and car seat carrier bundle from BABIESRUS! "Baby Trend Expedition ELX Travel System Stroller- Everglade" We are so excited and can not wait to go running with our bundle of joy!!!! I actually think Joey was more excited and ready to buy it then me! ha ha ha

Joey has been so awesome this entire pregnancy! He is always excited and ready for anything BABY!!!! He has been a magnificent support with so much help and understanding! I know he is going to be the best dad in the whole world! I can not wait until he gets to hold his baby girl!!!!

Hope you enjoy the baby shower pictures!

1 comment:

  1. :D I'm really happy that you loved your cake and you are very welcome! I can't wait to meet Zoe and I can't wait until Zoe gets to meet Baby Magdaleno! 2011 is going to be such an exciting year!!!!!
