Sunday, December 19, 2010

WOW, 7-9 more weeks to go!!!!

So the countdown begins!!!! Only 7-9 more weeks to go! It has been moving extremely slow for me but the last few days I started feeling excited, anxious, worried, and like it is crunch time to get things done!
The picture above shows the babies room a few hours ago! Joey finished painting the baby room and we are in the progress of putting up the border! It is so much harder then I thought! I honestly would much rather pay someone a good honest days work then to go through the frustration I have seen Joey and even myself go through! But then again, in the end... it is all worth it and for our baby girl!!! We decided to go with yellow instead mint green! It came out awesome! We also decided that after 1-2 years or so we will change the room to be more of a little girls room with pinks, purples, greens, and butterflies and flowers.... Until then it's all
I can not wait to show you the finished product!!!

So here is what 31 weeks pregnant looks like! We start 32 weeks today, yay! If you look closely, you can almost see what use to be my ab muscles right under where the blue shirt is on the right of the picture! They are in hibernation for now... but do not worry, they will be back! lol

Here is a sideways picture and partially front picture so you can see just how my belly looks!
Can you see my belly button poking out on the picture below????
So here are the things we have or I have left to do, until we meet our baby girl (not in any particular order):
1.) Attend Birthing Classes in Jan.
2.) Pack Hospital bag for me and baby zoe and maybe even daddy
3.) Plan doggy sitter- Zerique??? and if so also just in case a back up for 1/2 day due to AUSTIN Marathon???
4.) Write down my actual birth plan or idea
5.) Make a list of people to call and have certain people call from that list when it is the time:-)
6.)Finish set up of baby room
7.) Do I wash all her new clothes or just some????
8.) Figure out what baby clothes are for what and when....
9.) Get lots of diapers!!!
10.) Get bottles!!!
11.) Finalize a pediatrician
12.) Change over from our old insurance to new insurance (paperwork and stuff)
13.) Look into what daycare or home daycare works best for us in MAY and then in August....
14.) Spend time with hubby!
15.) Spend time with doggies!
16.) Lesson plan for the first six weeks I will be out on maternity leave and help teachers with actual lesson to use for that time period!
17.) Lesson plan for the two weeks after Holiday break and then the time before I leave for maternity leave!
18.) Put car seat in car properly, or leaning like Zaelynns (she came out just fine!!!!)
19.) Pre-register to be admitted into hospital for labor and delivery so I do not have to on the day!
20.) Rest, relax, and breathe!
That's a long list... I know I missed stuff... let me know what you think about some of the ones I have in question... also if I need to add more to our list! ha ha ha


  1. 2. Yes, pack a bag for all three of you!! for you, take the soap and lotions that you like to use at home. hospital stuff is horrible. Its all drying for the skin. take a pillow/ pillow case of you own , theirs are flat. take some sports bras, tanks, stuff that is easy to wear. loose pajama pants and sweat pants. house slippers, or those socks with the grippies on the bottom. also, cute clothes for baby. they will have her in a onesie and hospital hat. i took some clothes for Zaelynn so she could be the cutest in the hospital!
    3. Yes, we will dog sit!!!
    7. I washed all her clothes. That way it was available when needed. Do everything now, you wont want to later!!! Oh and get some dreft- dont use regular soap - its too harsh for tiny baby skin.
    9. Buy diapers from Thats where we get ours and its super great deals everytime. We spend $35 each time we buy a case and there are about 250 in the box. I will fill you in on that later.
    10. I love Avent bottles. We only have about 6. Three are here and three at dereks moms. Fewer is better, you just wash more often. less clutter.
    11. Zaelynn sees Dr. Groos who I really really like. He is great and answers all our questions thoroughly. i can give you his info if you want.
    14. YES!!
    15. YES!!
    18. Your baby class teacher should be able to help you with the car seat.
    20. YES!! YES!! YES!! and nap!
    You are about to become the best mother ever and experience something like nothing you could imagine. Its unbelievably great and I wouldn't change it for the world.I can't wait!!

  2. We wish you both the best in the weeks to follow, and we cannot possibly wait to throw the shower or babysit!

    We absolutely love you three!


    Elaine and Brad

  3. Thanks Elaine! Thanks Zerique!
    You guys are awesome!
