Monday, December 20, 2010


How awesome is this??? We have almost finished the baby room!!!! Now we just need diapers and bottles! Then we will be ready to have our precious baby girl!!!! Can you believe we did this all by ourselves! I think we should be paid! :-)
Here is the left of the room!

Here is from the left of the room!
Here is a sky view of the crib! Yes we do know not to have the baby bumper in there for a while! We just wanted to add it for now to make it look cute!!!! And I know the lamp should not be there either! Ha ha ha, we are in the process of getting something to hold that up! :-)
Here is a view from the right side! SO ADORABLE!!!! The only thing you can not see is the three drawer changing table chest that matched the crib! I figured it didn't need to be in the picture! This is way better! Don't you think?
Thank you hubby (Joey) for helping so much! Joey, you are the best husband and best friend ever! You will be the best daddy in the whole world!!! I can not wait!!!!

Now back to the list of things to do! ha ha ha!
Mommy to be!


  1. i love this. looks like a catalogue! and yes, so glad to hear your comment about the bumper and the lamp!! ha ha. you were ready for all the armed moms to chime in, huh??? we will find you a nice mesh bumper!

  2. Oh and the pillow and the stuffed animal thingy too! lol
