Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year, 2012

Today is the first day of the new year 2012! I have been so blessed to have a full year of happiness with me being pregnant to delivering our precious gift from God above Zoe Grace Menchey, and having the most caring husband during it all  Joey! Zoe is now 10.5 months old! She weighs barely under 20 pounds. She is working on walking 7-10 steps and making more baby words as each day goes on! She says "BYE" and can wave! She also likes to mimic things that we say. She loves to shout when she is excited. And she also has four teeth. The two top have finally cut! 

Here are pictures starting from Dec. 27th to today Jan 1st!

Here Zoe is waiting for her Doctor appointment to take her second part of the flu shot! Dec. 27th

Here we are playing games with Zoe's God parents and Zoe is getting to open up her belated Christmas, early Valentines, and early Birthday Presents from Auntie Nichole, Cousin Brianna, and Rian! Zoe loves opening up presents, or maybe just tearing paper! Dec. 28th!

"Daddy, why did you drop it?"

Let me see!

So Zoe ate lunch and got it everywhere... so Zoe got to change her outfit. More daddy time for her!

Daddy looks drained here, but Zoe still smiling and looking at the camera!

Our good friends, Chris, Mary, and Baby Gillian came to visit also!

Lets share!

December 30, was a scare of my life. We had to call "911" for the first time as "first time parents!" It was the scariest thing ever! Zoe was playing near me as I was putting away all the Christmas stuff. I was trying to hurry up before her Uncle Nick and cousins arrived from Dallas. All of the sudden she started coughing and then out of no where making choking gestures and sounds!
I immediately checked her, she would stop and then do it again. I frantically called her daddy over where we were and asked him to help me! I was scared and immediately freaked out and felt helpless! Thank goodness, in this situation daddy was calm and collective. (opposite of when I was in labor, just for the record:-)

Well 10-15 minutes go by and it still going on... she'll be fine and then all of the sudden really gagging, choking, and crying like in pain as if something is stuck in her throat! Oh my gosh, I am freaking out! I start thinking, could she have swallowed an ornament hook, or what? I didnt have them near her but babies are quick. Anyways, I checked the whole area to find nothing. Finally, one really long gag/choke reaction where her face was red and it seemed she had something blocking her pathway, caused us to call "911.

They were there in less than 5 minutes, or so it seemed. In the time it took them to drive to our house, Zoe was all of the sudden 90% better. She did another gag and horrible choking gestures/movements which caused her to throw up fixing the problem.  The ambulance and fire truck arrive.  Six tall uniformed men walk in ready and willing to help out baby girl!  They stuck around for a little bit after checking her out! Everything ended up being ok! She must have thrown it up, swallowed it completely down, or something! After that I didn't want to let her out of my sight! Here is her quick change in behavior after her discomfort from clearly choking on something she got near the tree.

Dec. 31, NEW YEARS EVE! Here is my precioud baby! Brianna her cousing is taking the picture!

Brianna with her nook!

Daddy trying to fit in Zoe's toy. He was tired of mommy always being able to play in it!

"Uncle Nick, what are you doing with my head?"

Brianna is playing some dance game for daddy so he can take it to work!

"Peek a boo, Gracie!" She is almost 16 months old!

My yucky face... but Brianna looked so pretty in it!

So everyone was asleep after we went out to eat for a quick meal at CHUYS... everyone but mommy, Zoe, and Natalia!


Baby girls eyes are all watery because of how tired she is! Off to bed by 8:45...

She slept until 11:59:45pm, funny, woke up with enough time for mommy to grab her and go down the stairs to meet daddy for "HAPPY NEW YEARS!" All the fireworks woke her up! We walked outside... Zoe got to see her first fireworks and hear the loud booms! After that Zoe, Natalia, and mommy watched "Baby Einsteins." Zoe made mommy fall asleep while she watched, then at like 1:30am, we all went to bed! Daddy, Mommy, and Zoe, crawl into bed with all the lights out..."dadadadada... ma ma ma... dadadada" and other sounds come out of this wide awake baby! As she seems to be entertained, she is rolling around, sitting up, laying down, standing, hitting mommy, touching daddys face, and moving all over this bed! It was so funny, she was clearly in her second wind! 45 minutes later after taking over my entire pillow... she fell asleep! We all slept in until 9am!

Here is her first picture of the new year! She is with Natalia!

What a cutie!

Mommy and daddy love you with all of our hearts! We are so blessed and thankful to have such a precious baby such as you! You are a very sweet and loving daughter! We are so excited to start this year with you and experience all of your firsts! Your New Year's resolution is to learn to walk, talk, and play as much as possible, while still finding time to spend with mommy and daddy and all of your friends and family!
Mommy was so happy to find out that she was able to reach all of her goals for 2011! Here they are if you want to read up on last years resolution:
Love, Mommy

This year my goals are:
1. Spend as much time with ZOE AND DADDY AND DOGGIES.
2. Find time to run 1-3 times a week.
3. Go to church 3-4 times a month with Zoe at Bibleland class.
4. Eat more veggies.
5. Keep drinking 0-1/2 caffeine coffee.
6. Take more me time... like at least once a week.
7. Do less couch time each week!
8. If I get a gym membership, go 2-4 times a week!
9. Once we finish organizing our last two rooms, keep the house de-cluttered as much as possible!
10. Be a better teacher!

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