Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2 weeks until ZOE TURNS 1


We have an almost fully walking baby over here! She loves to walk around the house while smiling and talking! She's such a cutie to watch in action!
Here are some of the things going on right now:

She weighs 22 pounds and about 30 inches tall!!

Her favorite thing to do so far is climb up the stairs as fast as possible! She is getting really good at it, which means we need to put the gates up!

She loves playing peek a boo!

She loves listening, singing, and dancing to music!

She loves "Word World" still!
She also knows how to kind of brush her hair! About two weeks ago, I watched her copy me when I was brushing mine! It's so cute, she usually gets the brush on her neck instead!

Zoe has been sleeping on the nap mat on the floor for a week now! No more playpen for this baby! She is such a good napper from what I hear!

She has a total of 8 teeth now! She had four already before Christmas and has been working on the next two since Jan. started. As of this morning there are 8 cute little teeth! She is working on cutting her first molar!

Zoe went running with mommy 4 times in this last month! She has only been up to 5 miles because mommy is not ready for more! She has been bundled up real good in freezing temperatures where only her finger tips and nose have felt maybe the slightest cold to them! I will have to get her some gloves instead of mittens:-)

I am so excited that I get to plan her first birthday party! I am not sure how I will pull it off, but I know it will be all right! As long as everyone is here and we get to celebrate this wonderful first year of this precious baby girl of ours! I have a few ideas on how to add on to my already ideas, but I may need to ask a few of my more creative crafty people for help. We'll see!

Daddy loves these pjs from Mimi Tina and PaPa Joseph!

Thank you Auntie Nichole and Cousin Brianna and Rian, I love my jeans and onesie! I have a little belly right now when I sit so can not button them when I am playing around the house!

Cute little booty!

No button up here!

Shoes are for eating!

I love running with my mommy!

Mommy took me shopping and I got a new pair of shoes! See them!

Mommy always puts funny things on my head in the stores!

I woke up from a nap and started playing all over the place!

Zoe loves her dress from "3 Little Monkeys!" She always does this pose when I try and take a picture of her outside!

Yes that is my daughter who always finds the one rock and places it in her mouth!

Zoe playing around with mommy! Wearing her very cute onesie from Mary and Gillian!

She crawled up to this and started crying while trying to pull herself up! So I had to take her for a quick run!

She figured out she can sit on this and push it around! Smart cookie!

Daddy decided he could play with Zoe in the tent also!

Mommy I can't seem to find any matches for all these tops and containers??

See, I helped you!

My smarty pants opening the gate and walking straight into the kitchen... the part we were trying to keep her out of!

She went so fast she fell, but played it off as if she was looking for something!

Up early and ready for daycare!

First day on her nap mat at daycare! She did a great job! Thank you for my cute Winnie the Pooh sheet and pillow case that you made Pam!

Another day ready for daycare! "Daddy, why are your eyes closed?"

Take two... "Daddy... open your eyes!"

Funny picture, but I liked it! Zoe does this at daycare a lot, so here she is under our table!

Hey Momma!

"Where's Zoe?"

"Peek a boo Momma!"

Zoe was playing with this thing and then all of the sudden was in the splits... by the time I grabbed my camera, she moved her left leg alittle! It was cute!

We had a play date at my house on Saturday! Heather brought her son Dwin (4 in April) and daughter Kaylin (1 last month). Mary brough Gillian. And Lily and Zaelynn were unable to make it! Maybe next time! I forgot to take pictures, so here are some way later!

Gilly and Zoe were playing around in the kitchen and posing for their mommies!

"Excuse me, who said you can get in my walker?"

"Mom, get her out of there!"

"Hi Gillian!"

Zoe and Gillian are enjoying their sippy cups!

Hi Momma! Gilly looks concerned!

Take two... Gilly made a grin... Zoe was still smiling!

Fun under the table again!

Cute grin!

Hi cutie pie!


This is our messy eater when she eats black beans!

I love her eyes in this picture!

Momma took Zoe to a park near the house just to walk around! I didn't want to let her on the cool things so that daddy could be there when we do! So we just took a stroll around! I let her investigate! She loved grabbing all the dirty things and touch the slide!

Zoe just woke up for daycare here! Feb. 1st.... 13 days until she is one!

Mommy.. you're silly!

I can't seem to take a good picture!

We just left Dr. Patel's office for Zoe's cardiologist appointment! Everything is going good! We will have her next appt. in August:-) Here Zoe is excited to see a window!

Mommy I love grass and dirt!

Dinner time in the Menchey house!

I had to pull her hair up because she was getting food all over it!

Someone showed me this and I love it! I totally agree! She is the most beautiful gift!
Everything is happening way too fast! I remember just yesterday, I was preggy with this baby girl of mine! Now she is talking, walking, and even throwing little outbursts on the floor! Who knew how fast time would go! I wish I could press pause or slow down, in order to get me more time to share with this 11.5 month baby! She is such a blast to be around! She has got to be the happiest baby ever! I know I am her mommy and bias on that opinion but really, have you ever seen such a happy baby girl all the time like her? Ha ha ha! She most likely made God's top list of happy baby's under 1 for the 2011 year! I really hope it keeps coming! All these priceless moments and priceless smiles that this baby girl has to offer us!

Dear Zoe Grace,
Mommy has been so blessed to watch you each and everyday since Feb 14, 2011.  To see you grow and learn so much has been so special! You are growing so fast that it makes mommy sad:-( I wish you could stay under one for like 2 years... it would be so nice! There is so much that you learn each and everyday! I wish I could be with you all day so I could watch all the amazing things you do! Mommy would be a really good at home mom! Maybe next year! ha ha ha!
Soon you will be turning 1 and we have already started planning your birthday party!
We sent really cute invitations out!

Mommy is trying to decide if she will have time to make homemade cupcakes from scratch or what...
I also think that you may have a house full of people who love you so much! I am very excited! I can not wait to see your face and all your excitement when you get to play with all your friends!
Keep growing strong and healthy! Learn more and more each day! I love you with all my heart!
Thank you for being the best gift from up above!
I love you!
Love, Momma


  1. My baby smiles, I swear! LOL Gillian looks like she's going to be stomped on by this shoe on one of the sippy cup pics LOL :D I can't believe how fast time has flown by either! In just a few months our little girls will be RUNNING around all over the place :) Zoe, I cannot believe how fast you have grown! Gillian cannot wait to go over for your first birthday party! Loretta, if you need any more help with anything just let me know! We love you guys!

