Monday, January 16, 2012

Traveling baby!

Zoe got another adventure away from home! We traveled to Phoenix, Arizona to Casa Grande Arizona to participate in one of Momma's best friends Wedding, "Monica." Mommy has know Monica since the 6th grade (20 years)! This marks Zoe's 5th and 6th airplane flight and second wedding to attend in her first 11 months! Zoe also turned 11 months old on the wedding date also!  Zoe had an easy flight there and back! So far to date we have been blessed with a great traveler! She has been all the way to North East to New York City, to all the way to the West Central Phoenix Arizona... hitting up different cities along the way. She has done this with a smile and as very little crankiness as possible! What a blessing!

Here are all of of captured pictures of our family wedding weekend!

We are at the rehearsal dinner, Zoe is showing of her standing and kind of walking talents!

Mommy went to the bridal party night before the wedding hangout! And then in the morning went to go get her hair done with all of the girls!


Monica and her mommy Addie! She is also like momma's mommy too!

I love this picture!

Zoe was the "Honorary Flower girl!" She is sporting her cute dress from her Aunt Holly! It matched perfect to mommy!

I really like this picture because of her eyes and her teeth!

All right, Zoe had a lot of fun infront of the mirror! She was tapping, hitting, and even kissing her reflection in the mirror! She was having a blast! I caught some of it below!

Beautiful Baby girl and her momma!

Bridesmaids being silly!

The Groom, "Timothy."

Mommy, being "ADD."

Stunning picture!

The happiest parents in the world!

Momma, I'm so tired!

At the reception, Zoe being silly!

Zoe and her Daddy!

Happy Newly Weds!

More fun with Zoe!

Mommy can not believe that you will be turning 1 years old in less than a month! Time has flown by! You are walking more and more each day! You have your top two teeth and bottom two teeth! You are working on two more teeth on the bottom right now! You love eating all the heathly food mommy and daddy make you! We are proud to say that you  have not had any crackers or cookies yet! Everything we have given to you has been organic, fresh, steamed, pureed, no additives, no absorbic acid... veggies, fruits, and meats! You also have cheerios and graduate snacks like cheerios! Mommy had to really think about those, but since I could not make them myself I gave in!
I have been blessed with so much time and experiences with you, my precious miracle baby girl from God above! What a priviledge to have this honor to be a mommy and have you as my daughter! I am so grateful for each day I have been given with you and will be so blessed for each one to come in our future! I love you with all my heart! You really do mean the world to me and daddy! You are all of the answers to our prayers and help keep us balanced on what is important! Family and loving you come first! I am so excited to keep watching you grow and learn all of your first!
Daddy and I were just talking about, how we wish you could just increase in months instead of years! It would be pretty nice to have you at 11 months for a while, and then 12 months, and then 13.... and then maybe after 5 years move you to 2 years old!  I love how you make us feel so important and special each time you see us! You melt away any worries and stresses we have from our everyday careers! It's amazing just how powerful you are for such a small person! I am not sure how I will ever be able to not say "Baby" infront of your name! You will probably be the only 6th grader that is walked into the classroom and introduced at my "BABY GIRL ZOE!" and then again in high school... ha ha ha! Maybe by college, I will be able to let the "BABY" part go... who knows, but for know it's staying! Baby girl, mommy loves you that much! I hope you always know that! I hope you always know how special you are and how much you mean to mommy and daddy!
Thank you for loving us so very much!

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