Saturday, January 7, 2012


Mommy woke up today to age 32! I ran 5 miles, treated myself to expensive coffee, bought me a new water/coffee cup, and came home to the loves of my life! Did I mention my baby girl walks a lot now! What a great gift!
See below....


Daddy surprised Mommy... he took her to Houlihans for lunch. There she was surprised by a bunch of caring people ready to celebrate with me! How awesome! I was so surprised! I am so thankful and most appreciative that we all got together! Thank you: Zoe, Joey, Zerque, Zaelynn, Derek, Elaine, Brad,  Mary, Gillian, Jacque, Mrs. Musick, Alex, Janene, and Jerome! Happy Birthday to You too, Jerome!

Here is my cutie pie having a blast with Mrs. Musick! Picture taken by Alex Nieves!

A beautiful picture of Mommy, Zoe, Elaine (mommy to be in June), and Alex. Such a good looking bunch!

Here is a picture of my favorite little girl on my birthday today!

Mommy, why is the Christmas tree over there? (Hoping someone wants it before we go donate it)

The sun is so bright!

I am so blessed in my family of three! I have caring friends and family, along with the best most caring loving husband in the world!
Thank you God for all my blessings!

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