Monday, February 13, 2012

My Precious Baby Zoe is 1 today!

Zoe Grace,
Mommy stayed up late this night of your birthday morning... I made you cupcakes in the shape of hearts and normal ones too... ANGEL food cake cupcakes just for you!  I was also able to make you whip cream too! Words can not describe these feelings that have come over me! I have never felt this way before! I am so blessed to have you as my daughter and have your daddy as my husband! I am honored to be your mommy! Last year five hours from right now my water broke and I was in labor! Daddy was sleeping and I woke him up to tell him. Now mommy being the normal "freak out person" was actually calm, it was daddy this time that was on freak out alert! It was so cute to see him react this way... it actually felt nice to switch roles! But I knew that everything would be all right and I would have you very soon in my arms!
From the very beginning you were a dream come true and the answer to our prayers baby girl!
Mommy and Daddy wonder what we were before you? Now we are so much more with you in our lives! It was hard and frustrating when we were trying so hard to get preggy with you in my tummy but after all is said and done, you were so worth the tears and the wait!!!

I want you to know that you are loved by so many people from all over! Your family and friends love you so very much! Mommy and daddy love you with all of our hearts and will always do our best to make sure you know that!

God knew what he was doing when he put you in our lives! Thank you so very much for making us our best!  Keep learning new things each and everyday! I can't wait for you Birthday Party!
Love Mommy!!!! Happy Birthday my sweet precious baby girl!

Here is a few days before Zoe's birthday!

Our little family went out to eat!

Smile baby girl! On her way to daycare!

Look at this cutie on the Saturday before her birthday!

What a cutie!

This is a sample of Zoe's food of choice!

Sleepy Baby!

Up the stairs as often as possible!

This cutie pie!

Mommy went out and purchased Zoe's new car seat! She walked over and climbed in it! It was a good deal at Costco!

Happy Birthday to LILY! She was born Feb. 15th but had her Birthday Party Feb. 11th! Look at this cutie!

Admiring Lily's toys!


Happy Birthday Cake to Lily.

Pretty Blue eyes!

Zoe's cute Kitchen from Uncle Nick! She loves it!

Mommy, why did you put all the toys like that?

She crawled in there!

Mommy made Zoe Angel Foodcake Cupcakes from scratch! I also made her whip cream too!

We tried it with a blueberry, peach, and strawberry puree on top! Not bad but way better with whip cream!

Made these for Zoe.

Happy Valentines from Mommy and Baby girl!

Baby girl up and ready to start her Birthday, Feb 14th 8:30am.  Here is my milk and my fruit smoothie snack as a back up for crankiness on the move!

First stop, The Little Gym for the little birdies class with other one year olds!

Future Gymnast!

She loved climbing on to everything and interacting with all the other kiddos! She would stop to dance when all of us were singing the songs for what ever it was they were doing.

First taste of non-healthy nutritional food!  Double Heart Angle Food Cupcake with homemade whip cream!

I want to touch the candle!

The only time she made a gross tasting face... after this she never turned back!

Are these mine?

I love when Zaelynn comes over!

Thank you Zerique, Derek, and Zaelynn for my gift!

Thank you Monica for my present!

Thank you Pam and Bobby for my baby stroller and new clothes! Thank you mommy and daddy for my new first baby belle doll!

Zoe's Birthday Picture!

Daddy with his birthday girl!

Zoe's Birthday is Feb. 18th! Lots of pictures to come!

If you loved the cupcakes...
Here is the receipe for  the Angel Food Cake Cupcakes that I used for Zoe's Party!  You can substitute the sugar for splenda and stuff.

12 large egg whites (1 1/2 cups)
1 1/2 teaspoons cream of tarter
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 3/4 cups sifted powdered sugar (sift before measuring)
1 1/8 cups sifted cake flour (sift before measuring)
1/4 teaspoon salt
Let egg whites sit at room temperature for about one hour before beginning. While eggs are resting, measure out powdered sugar and flour, then sift powdered sugar, flour and salt together. Set aside. Line a cupcake tin (or two) with cupcake liners.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and place rack in the bottom third of oven.
Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites until frothy. Once frothy, add in cream of tarter, then beat at medium speed until soft peaks form. This took me about 5-6 minutes. Gradually add granulated sugar with the mixer still on medium speed, continuing to beat until egg whites thicken a bit more with opaque, soft, droopy peaks. Once there, beat in vanilla extract.
Remove the bowl from the mixer and sprinkle 1/4 of the dry ingredients over the egg whites. Fold gently with a spatula until combined completely. Continue with the rest of the dry ingredients – I did this in three increments.
Once batter is smooth, use a 1/4 cup measure to pour heaping scoops of batter into each liner. Bake for 18-19 minutes, or until tops are golden brown. Let cool completely, then frost as desired. I frosted mine with a simple fresh vanilla whipped cream, using 1 pint of whipping cream, 1 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and beating until thickened.

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