Monday, February 20, 2012

Zoe's First Birthday Party- Feb. 18th

Wow, time has flow by! I got a little behind on this blog because I was spending quality time with my daughter and my hubby!

Zoes first haircut was on her birthday also! Mommy trimmed her hair like a stylist would:-)

Here are Zoe's 12 month pictures! We had some good deals for two different locations! Some are from the Sunday before her birthday and the others are from her actual birthday! The pink onesie are from her birthday 2/14/12. The white onesie are from 2/12/12 with mommy and daddy in a few! Enjoy! I think they came out so wonderful! There were so many more, but we had to pick the best! Also, don't worry you will be getting them in the next 2-3 weeks. One of the photography places forgot to print our family pictures so I have to wait until I get those!

My precious Zoe Grace, you are the world to mommy and daddy~! Thank you for all of your smiles!

Zoe likes to comb her hair! She also brushes her teeth too! Sometime she gets the two brushes mixed up and switches the role! It's funny! Here she is getting ready for daycare!

After daycare it is play time with my dolls!

Getting ready for daycare again! This is the day before my first birthday party!

Here momma, you can have my block!

And the Birthday Girl makes her big debute!

She is styling in her pink Birthday outfit! Love the panty hose and shoes!

She got excited over something over there....

Cousin Addison enjoying some pizza!

Mimi and Addy!

Gillian posing for the camera!

My PaPa showing me something!

Aunt Holly, Uncle Davy, and Uncle Jeff hanging out!

God Mommy Janene, Mary, and Gilly! Great picture!

Cousin Natalia eating at the cute decorated tables!

Grandma Rhonda and Zoe! Great smile Grandma!
Lillian with her cute teeth smile!

Mommy being silly!

Way better family picture!

Holly, Nicole, Lilly, and Daddy in the back ground!

Mommy's favorite student ever. Yes teachers really do have those!

Some breathing time outside! Guess what she grabbed right away...... a rock!

Are these my hands?

I love all my new ballpit balls!

Some of mommy's decorating for the party! We kind of forgot to get good pictures! Here's what we got! lol:-)

All the kiddos playing very well together! "Brianna, why do you look so mad?"

Another decoration picture! We had lots of windows and lots of free pictures from Costco. I decided to use them as decorations and keepsakes for all the guests to take what ever they wanted! Great idea huh? I guess I am alittle creative!

Pin the tail on the donkey. Zoe was pretty good at it!

She wanted to do it over and over!

Good job Lily!

Addisons' turn!

Gillians' turn!

Right here right? Good job Gillian!

Yes, right her Gillian!

Thank you Erica for feeding me part of my lunch:-)

Grandma Lori, PaPa, and Holly!

Are we suppose to eat these?

All of mommies hard work pays off right here! Homemade Angel Foodcake cupcakes, with homemade whip cream, slices of fresh strawberries and blue berries underneath the whip cream, with homemade cookie toppers from Mary! They were a hit! I think mommy did good baby girl!

Yay, cake time!

Can I grab it?

Wow... smoke!

The face she gets before she is about to do something....

Like this daddy?

I think I get it...

Oh... eat it... I can totally do that!

Like this daddy? Am I making you proud?

Turns out she really likes it!

They were going fast!

Mommy had to take it away... she would have eaten it all! lol!


Mimi and Papa

Melt down moment! Lily turned one a few hours after Zoe... Feb, 15th! Daddy pick her up!

Pinata time! Break it Natalia!

Jeremiah the monster!

This is how you hit it Zoe.

I think I got it Momma!

I'd rather use my hands!

Yay! Guess what was in it?

Cranberries, raisins, fruit snacks... and because daddy said we needed candy... lollipops, sweet hearts, and candy corn!

At least Zoe has the raisins... she won't really know what the candy is for a while... hopefully!

We taught Addison how to grab the candy and put it in her shirt!

My bright eyes baby girl!

So there was like a 10 minute adult ball fight against Jeremiah with adult Jeffrey! Lots of fun!

Here is who it was against!

Zoe fits in her pinata!

Present time! Thank you everyone for my most appreciated gifts! I am blessed that you were so thoughtful!

Papa being a good Grandpa to all babies!

Thank you Sabah for teaching me Spanish and getting me this cool non-tipping bowl!

Cousin Natalia was a big help!

All of my Pooh buddies!

Do you see my Grandpa Ken on his I-Phone! I love IPhones too grandpa! When can you get me one?

Good picture of Elaine, Alex, Chae, Mommy, and Zoe! Thanks for letting me get in the picture!

I like this one!

Yay, Jeremiah made it in too!

One of my favorite peeps! Elaine!!!!

The day after her birthday party! She is having a blast with her balloons!

Uncle Davy, I want to see you way more!

Thank you Grandma Lori for my presents! I love my bath toys and Tea Pot! I play with them everyday!

What a blast it has been! ONE YEAR, party and all! Thank you to all who came out and help to celebrate Zoe's first birthday! I really do appreciate it and am so thankful!
Zoe thank you for being the best gift ever! The best daughter ever! The best baby girl ever! I love you with all my heart! I look forward to all the many years to come! I hope you stay happy, healthy, and always keep smiling! We love you with all of our hearts!

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