Monday, December 26, 2011


3 Days until Christmas! So many wonderful moments, so many things to do, so many outfits for Zoe to fit in! Here is our Christmas Card! This is the first year we did not get our other babies in it (doggies):-( Shiner, Ozzy, and Kuzco we still love you! Poor babies, it has been rough for them since Zoe has come home, but it will only get better! Shiner is probably going to be Zoes' bestfriend ever! They can't wait until she can walk! Soon they can all play together with her! 

Zoe and I made it a habit to go for a walk the last few days to see the Christmas lights! It was especially cold, so mommy put on this cute monster outfit from Zerique! It was secretly for me but also kept her warm! Plus look how cute she was in it!

This picture was actually from the week before, but it was so cute I had to put it in!

This one was from December 17th, we went to church and Zoe got to wear her Zoe outfit from Sesame Street!

Then mommy and her went to go shopping for Daddy's gift! The was all tuckered out so mommy ate at Mimis Cafe while Zoe slept! She slept for 1.5 hours on mommy, so I also shopped while she was in this position... there's no way I could have eaten that long...:-)

Here is outfit 1 for Christmas! I love the hat!

December 22, Babygirl got to go to her first Christmas party at daycare! She was so excited! Here is outfit 2 for Christmas prep!

Later we went for a walk!

Christmas outfit 3! Zoe is shopping at Target looking at all the people!

 Oh yeah one of the outfits from Tuesday! So I guess outfit #4! She had to say hi to everyone at Cosco!

Pj outfit, Chritmas outfit #5! I liked the hat so much I put it back on her with the pants! The onesie is different though! She was addicted to this pinguin globe!

She decided to take off some of the gray paint of the walls by banging it on the wall! When I looked at the wall it was missing paint.

Here sad face when mommy walks away! So cute right now! I love feeling needed!

December 24, Christmas Eve! Outfit #6!

She loves reading books!

Outfit #7 is her Christmas dress! We are ready for church! Mommy, daddy, Grandma Rhonda, God-mommy Janene, Zerique, Zaelynn, and Derek are all going to church at Oakhills Church!

Hurry mommy, I want to play with my friends at Bibleland Class (daycare).

Here mommy, return these redbox movies before you owe a bunch! (For the record, they are 5 days late...)

We just got back from Church and we decided to quickly get pictures of her before she loses her mind and we can not get any! So here are all of our Christmas Eve pictures! Enjoy!

Allright Santa is coming soon! Outfit #8, the only onesie mommy bought for Zoe to wear during Christmas, the rest came from Grandma Rhonda! Here is Grandpa Ken with special ladies!

Funny how Zoe knew what to do with the presents!

Thank you Zaelynn for my huge brocolli, big croc, and veggie book!

 Another present, thank you Uncle John, Aunt Cheryl, and Kylie!

This is exactly what Mommy and Daddy were going to get me for my 1st birthday! SO awesome, I think you read their minds!!! Thank you, it goes with my webbles I am about to get from Mommy and Daddy tomorrow!

Zaelynn being to cute! She was such a good girl on Christmas Eve while we all played games!

And now, Christmas Morning! Outfit #9! Thank you Grandma Rhonda and Grandpa Ken for all my outfits and books for Christmas!

You slept in until practically 9am! Mommy and Daddy were waiting patiently... but were thinking... "let's wake her up!"

Her first sight on what Santa gave her!

This is what she sees....

She was so excited and went straight in! She saw her mommy on the other end! Her smile was priceless!

Such an excited baby girl!

Mommy decided to play with baby girl! I think Santa should have left way more of those plastic balls!

She figured out how to get out!

Hello Mommy!

Then all of the sudden, Santa came down from the roof and said, "HO HO HO, Merry Christmas!"

How did you get here?

Santa is in my house Christmas morning.... "WOW!"

We love SANTA! Thank you for bring Zoe her Baby Einstien videos and Pooh bath toys!

Present time for all!

I love my new shoes! Thank you Mimi and Pa pa, I love my shoes, ornament, earrings, and pjs!  In this picture you can also see that Santa put 24 little blocks and two Christmas webbles in her stocking too!

Zoe was dancing to her leap frog doll, "Lily!" It was so cute! Thank you Carson family!

Zoe made this for Daddy!

Mommy and Daddy got Zoe that shape block puzzle cube and that stacking square cups! See them in the picture? Zoe is playing with them already and smiling!

Daddy is loving his "NINJA blender, juicer, food processer, dough thingy from Mommy! Mommy is loving all her new outfits that daddy got her! And Zoe is admiring Daddy's reaction!

It's three hours later, 12pm, Zoe is taking a two hour nap! She was so tired from all the excitement and playing!

December 26th, Zoe is loving her Sesame Street play tent!

I hope everyone had a very blessed Christmas! I am so thankful for all of our blessing this year and look forward to the new year and experiences with our family of three! I am thank GOD for each and every breathe and moment we get!  Jesus is the reason for the season!

Here are some thoughtful gifts from Grandma Lori! Thankyou so much! Zoe really liked her shopping cart/seat cover protector! Check out the pics!

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