Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas is just days away!!!

This naked baby would not let me get her dressed after her bath... she twisted, turned, flipped, and everything, so I let her go... she went straight to the Christmas Tree~!
She loves the texture of the garland! She likes to tear off the silver and blue flakes and then try to eat them!

I decided to put her new headband from Mellissa Buck to capture more of her cuteness!

WOW, I love this stuffed animal! Can I really touch him? I like how her slobber came out clear in this picture!

Zoe's pants kept falling down as she walked around. I had to get a picture! I have to admit I did have to recreate the moment by fixing them and waiting for them to fall again! It was funny!

Hey, how do I get these up?  Mommy said I can not sag!

Monday no daycare for me!

I grabbed off the tree momma!

Yay Lily is here! We played for about two hours! Well not really with each other but in the whole living room! It was so much fun! I decided to help Lily open her present!

Then Zoe was unsure what to do with hers. It was so funny! How do they know how to automatically tear paper off of wrapped presents???

Alittle distraction to get them together long enough for a picture!

Such cuties! Look at Lily's pretty blue eyes!

Then just like that... off on other sides of the area, getting into things!

5 days until Christmas! I can't wait for more people to visit today!

Daddy and baby girl treated mommy to a special trip to get a massage! It was so awesome and thoughtful! Mommy has been wanting one since FEB 14TH to be exact! I really think I earned it!  Then we finished up some shopping and then stopped by for a few pictures!

More pretty pictures of our precious baby! Look at this gift left under the tree!!! So cute!

I love this picture below! She was trying to eat and lick the wind! She kept making faces!

Wow, these are way bigger than the ones on our tree!

My hair was really messed up after my awesome massage but I had to jump in with baby girl!

Allright, I hate this picture of me, but love how for once... mommy and baby girl are not looking but for the first time ever..... daddy is looking into the camera and smiling! What a great picture of daddy!!!

I like how Zoe is saying that we are the number one parents ever!

Yay, Sebastian came to visit! He decided he wanted to play in Zoes walker from Elaine and Brad!!!

 Come on Zoe, let Laura take a picture!

Zaelynn came over also! I really love her pajamas!!!!

Such cuties! Look at the three friends just hanging out!

Laura and Zoe

Oh momma, did you say cheese?

Zaelynn and her cute self sitting on the pillow to play with the toys! Very cute!

Zaelynn and Zoe playing and talking!

Zoe, Christmas is almost here! You have gone to church two Sundays in a row with mommy! We met Zerique and Zaelynn there! You got to go to bibleland class while mommy and Zerique spoke to God! It was so awesome! On Christmas Eve we will take you again and bring daddy and maybe your Godmother Janene!
You have been working on getting your two top teeth in! It has been 4 long sleepless nights for you and mommy! But I love being there for you! So far right now you have been asleept for 3 hours without any medicine... so far:-)
Today you took four straight steps as if it was normal and the fell on to the floor! Don't worry you were all right! It was so cute! All of the sudden you just tried to walk! Soon enough you will be so good at it. One day you will run with momma and daddy! I am so excited to get to spend these two weeks with you and daddy! I am super excited to have you here and to get to celebrate your first Christmas! We are so blessed!
I love you with every fiber in my body, every thought in my mind, and every part of my heart and soul! Love Mommy!

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