Monday, December 12, 2011

A few days before she is 10 months old!

A few days before my precious Zoe will be 10 months! She has been playing more and more! Here are some action pictures, enjoy!

My cousing (second) Karen came to visit me while waiting for my other cousin Valerie to go into labor to have my new boy cousin to play with!

Cousin Valerie sporting her baby belly... "Come out come out where ever you are baby Matthew"

 Zoe loved looking at her doggies.... then she started licking the glass door so I had to take away from it! It was cute to see her trying to pet the doggies through the glass!

Here is my great-aunt Katy! This is the second time I have seen her! I love playing with her and all the attention she gives me!

Daycare again mom? Zoe is sporting her carter black velvet like coat that Grandma Lori gave me! It was Natalia's!

I had so much fun on Sunday! Mommy took me to church! While mommy spoke with God, I went to bibleland class!  Then I got to hangout with my buddy, Zaelynn! We had a lot of fun chatting and trying to get our mommies to by us everything... it almost worked! Instead we settled for pjs for  Zaelynn and boots for me! The sad thing... they ended up not fitting me after mommy got home... how did they fit in he store but not when I got home.... mystery...

Mommy got to cuddle with me.... It was nice! Sometimes we take naps together... those are the best!

December 12, Zoe is trying to get the doggies to come tell her hi! Shiner is right there... ready and willing!

Kisses for the baby!
Zoe babygirl! I love you with all of my heart! You give me reason to each day and purpose into each thing I do! Thank you for teaching me just how strong love can be! Thank you for teaching me a love I have never known! It saddens me to know that with each miracle and new thing you learn... with each step you will soon learn to take... it will be another one pulling you further away from that little baby I held on Feb. 14th this year! It almost seems you are growing too fast... Sometimes at night, mommy secretly wants to get you out of your crib and hold you as long as possible! Sometimes I go in and watch you sleep so peacefully like an angel! Not like most parents... I actually look forward to you waking up in the middle of the night at crazy tiring times... it gives me a reason to hold you, comfort you, sing to you, cuddle with you, rock you, and show you how much I love you and will always be there for you! You are so innocent, so precious, and so dear! Our lives have just begun now that we have you! Thank you for everything!
Love, Mommy

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