Saturday, December 3, 2011

December, The countdown begins!

Wow this year has flown by! It us December! I am so excited for Zoes first Christmas! I already bought her Christmas present and her Daddy's presents also! The tree is up and the inside of the house is decorated already.... now we just need to clean and decorate outside! Zoe and I have been listening to the Christmas station since Thanksgiving was over! I was thinking that she probably recognizes a bunch of the songs since 99% of the time I sing one to her to bed since we brought her home! Turns out I can't remember all the words to nursery rhythmes but I can remember Chirstmas songs and other made up songs! I figure I can get away with it now! ha ha ha!

More and more each day, Zoe is standing alittle bit longer. She is so much fun in the mornigns! On the weekends I bring her in the bed with us and she sings, talks, plays, laughs, rolls around, stands, and everything! It is so much fun to see her joy!

I was listening to KLOVE (Christian radio station), the other day and started to get tears in my eyes as I was in complete thought from one of their songs. It made me really think.... Gosh who was I before now? I feel like my life wasn't really anything until we had Zoe! My life has become everything and so much more now that she is in our lives!  I have been through so much in my life and overcome so many obstacles to be this stubborn determined person that I am today, but it only feels like a path that needed to happen to be here now for her!

I am a mother, mommy, momma, mom! I have a daughter! I said that a few weeks ago and it really sunk in! You see, I have been saying "my baby... and my baby Zoe!" I have not been in a situation to actually put the title daughter and daughter ZOE! It felt so powerful and magnificent to say such words! Have I finally reached a point in my life where everything I do and give is for this precious gift from God above that my hubby and I made together! And what an honor I feel to be able to have such a gift and title of "Mom!" It feels like something I have always wanted to be and something that was always meant for me to be but I never knew! I really feel like I can do this and do this 100%. I am all in in this committment and love of being a mommy! I really want to give everything, every chance I get to be a great mommy for my daughter Zoe and any future magnificent children I have in the future! I don't have to be the best or perfect... but I DO have to be everything else and filled with love for my children! What an adventure my husband and I signed up for! I am so glad I get to enjoy the exploration with my bestfriend and love of my life, Joey, whom our daughter Zoe calls Daddy!

Sorry for the side notes, I was really thinking about it earlier! Now back to the pictures!

We went to go see Gillian for her 1/2 birthday on Nov. 27th! Zoe always tries to take her toys from her and grab her face! It's all out of love Gilly!

 Daycare madness! Toy babies racing to the finish! Zoe in one corner, Tyler in the other! Nov.30

This picture was taken before daycare on December 1st! She was so tired!

Mommy took baby girl to the Christmas celebration for all the schools! Lot of music, singing, and Christmas stuff everywhere to see!

Zoes first encounter with SANTA CLAUS! They took this picture before she was awake! Oh well! She actually really likes Santa and becomes bashful and playful around him! It was really cute. I just wish I had her real reactions in a picture! Probably next week!

The pictures look off because all I got was a quick print one... so had to take a picture of it to show you!

Then mommy and baby girl went to buy daddy his Christmas gifts, her gifts, and some yummy food!

I love walking around and watching "WORD WORLD!"

Watch out mommy!

Christmas Tree is up and ready! I really wanted to take a picture with Zoe in it... unfortunately she is has been asleep since 7pm. Tomorrow for sure!

I love you ZOE with all my heart! I hope all of your firsts have been awesome and truley wonderful! You have so much more to go! Keep learning, growing, and experiencing! I will be right here to help you along your way! Love,  Your Dream Mommy

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