Sunday, January 30, 2011

37 Weeks down, Starting 38th week

Baby Zoe could come anytime in the next few weeks... I secretly hope two, Joey secretly hopes more! She is not due until Feb 20th! So maybe we have time to run around and get the last few items we need! At our doctor appointment Thursday, Baby has a strong heart beat of 141bpm! Below is a front view picture of my growing belly! So far I have gained 23 to 25 pounds, depending on when being weighed and what I am wearing! lol! This pictures makes me look so huge compared to the side view one!

Below is a picture from the side! I guess I am just huge looking... or maybe I just feel huge! I guess it doesn't really matter! As long as baby Zoe is healthy and has room in there:-)

I have been so busy at school that I have not had anytime to get myself together! I am a very proactive person, now all of the sudden the tables have turned and I am so behind! I have learned that being pregnant actually makes you tired when you are on your feet all day trying to impact lives and change our future leaders! I have learned that teaching is still easy for me when pregnant, but that the other additonal duties play a toll on me!
I have seen myself in the last two weeks go from happy pregnant teacher all around, to happy teacher in the classroom but stressed teacher outside the classroom with other things! This has been the hardest part for me... not being able to keep my chin up and positive outlook! Well I am almost there and will do my best these last few weeks! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! My students have my 100% and I may have to sacrifice in other added job duties... but my kiddos have me!
Oh, now back to the baby!!!!
I have washed all her immediate needed clothing and blankets! I have organized all of her clothes by size and arranged her room items! Zerique gave us another wonderful gift from her baby girl Zaelynn! A bouncer! Thank you so much!
I think we are pretty much set! Thank you so much Zerique for practically clothing our baby girl for the first 6 months and for the swing and bouncer!!! You made it so easy for us to make a list of other items we could use!!! Thank you to everyone that has helped us with your wonderful gifts as well for Baby Zoe! WE ARE SO BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH CARING AND THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE IN OUR LIVES!
I feel good saying we just need a few things off our registry to be 100%. Here is my reminder list of things I need to go buy in the next two weeks or right after Baby Zoe is home:
-car seat head rest
-baby bath (or wash pod/tummy tub maybe)
-pumping necessities (pads, storage bags)
-car seat base (for hubbys car)
-a few pamper diapers (just incase huggies don't work)
-garage door opener (like 4 weeks after birth)
-dresser (can be later)
I am so excited! I don't want to rush things but can not wait to hold our baby girl!
Baby ZOE,
You are so very special to mommy and daddy! Stay in my tummy as long as you need! Keep growing strong and healthy for your big debute! We are here and ready to meet you and be here for you! We love you so much already and can not wait!!!
Love, Mommy and Daddy!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Starting 36th week with a Bang!

Awesome Baby Shower Jan. 16th- Hosted by Elaine and Brad Smelly Diaper Game was a hit! Baby Bingo Game was a really big hit, everyone was so engaged and competitive! lol Thank you for all of Baby Zoe's Gifts!!!! We are very thankful and most appreciative! We are blessed to have such thoughtful friends! Following are a few we got some pictures of! Homemade/sewn blanket from Mrs. Musick! It is so soft and beautiful! This one is coming with us to the hospital for Baby Zoe!

Painted picture by Glenda Harper! Thank you so much, it goes perfect with our nursery and is already hangingin in the room! We love it!

Very cute and tasteful cake! Very awesome colors! This what greeted us at the door as we walked in! It was a diaper wreathe! Cute idea and thoughtful!

Elaine thought of decorations that were more like take home decorations to be used for Baby Zoe. So everythign hanging on their stair case, chandler, door, and even fire place was items that can be used by or for Baby Zoe! Wow, it was such a sight to see! We were overwhelmed with how thoughtful and creative this was... and for us! Who would have thought? It was really awesome and we appreciate it so much! Did you notice the glass cylinders on the fire place also??? Those are filled as well! Thank you two so much for your thoughfulness and caring hearts! Words can not express how grateful we are to have you two as our friends and how much we thank you for all that you have done! THANK YOU!

Starting WEEK 36 with my hubby at my side at the baby shower! It was a very exciting day! From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank everyone who attended and all of your thoughtful and caring gifts for Baby Zoe! This baby, is the baby we have hoped and prayed for! This baby, is the baby we have dreamed about! This baby, is the baby that is loved by so many and will continue to be loved by so many more once she steps her little feet into this world! Baby ZOE, Mommy loves you from the bottom of her heart! She is patiently waiting for you to make your grand entrance into this world! Daddy is preparing everything for you so that you can be as comfortable as possible when you make this debute! He loves you from the bottom of his heart and is so excited that you will soon be on your way as well! Hold on, keep strong and healthy! Mommy and Daddy will be here when you are ready! Love, Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thoughtful Gift

Baby Zoe,
You are so loved by so many already! This wonderful gift was on our door step for you this week! I love tigger and winnie the pooh themed things! Your whole bedroom is set up with this theme! This cute Pooh and blanket will fit right in! I know you will love it! It is so thoughtful that your Aunt Nichole and Counsin Brianna mailed it just for you!
We went to the doctor yesterday for our 2 week check up! You are doing awesome with a strong heartbeat of 141 bpm! You are moving your head even more closer and closer to you exit into this wonderful world! lol! You love to push your head all over my bladder and what feels like the area near my pelvic bones! You also enjoy putting your little butt up into the air causing my tummy to look lopside and cute!
Sometimes daddy kisses my tummy and makes a noise with his mouth and you move so fast! It feels so funny in my tummy! It's amazing how I can feel your every move! It is such a joy and I can not wait until I get to hold you in my arms!!!!
I love you so much and so does this world all around!
Stay healthy, strong, and happy! Mommy and Daddy will be right here waiting for when you are ready for your big debute!
Love, Mommy!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

31st birthday!

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday Mommy to be, Happy Birthday to me! January 7th I turned 31! Could you believe I am 31 years old, wow time has not flown by, but I feel a little aged when I hear 31! Hahaha! And what have I done in this last decade of my most wonderful, blessed, and appreciative life:

-Ran NCAA div. 1 Track and Cross Country for UTEP

-Graduated with my B.S. from UTEP with an ALL-Academics Athletic award and a few others!

-Got engaged to my bestfriend-Joey and then went to BOSTON for the first time!

-Graduated with M.S. from UNT with awards and honors also, as a teaching fellow and assistant!

-Ran my first marathon and then MARRIED THE MAN OF MY DREAMS- JOEY!

These last two bullets were all in the same month... is was crazy!

-Received my teaching certification in Math and Science!

-Been teaching math at the same middle school since 2006!

-Won the teacher of the month every year so far (except they do not do it this year:-( and was honored as Most Distinguished Educator for my school in my district in 2010!

-Ran the Nike Womens Marathon, Rock n Roll San Antonio/Dallas Marathons, Houston Marathon, Non-Chicago Marathon (due to pregnancy), Qualified and RAN THE BOSTON MARATHON in April 2010!

-I got two more tattoos and the most exciting one was in May 2010!

-We finally got pregnant with our first baby in May 2010, after two years of trying!

-Have been preparing to be awesome, caring, and loving parents ever since!!!!!

There is probably a lot of stuff missing, but these are the few that I could think of off the top of my head:-)

Enjoy my Birthday pictures of my belly!!!!!!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting 2011- 34th week of pregnancy!

It is now 2011! Happy New Year to all! I am starting my 34th week of pregnancy! So far since May, I have gained 23 pounds and probably lost all of my muscle! HA HA HA! We just went to a doctor appointment and Baby Zoe is doing awesome with her heart beat at 150 bpm! In about 40-50 more days we will meet baby Zoe!
I usually start the year with ideas of goals I would like to work for or accomplish!
New Year Goals/Wishes:

1. Baby Zoe stays healthy and strong in my tummy and once delivered!
2. Labor and delivery goes smoothly and awesome!
3. I do as good as I can to manage my soon to be new role as a mommy, wife, doggy owner, friend, family member, and teacher job in this life!
4. I get back into the healthy fitness life routines once the doctor clears me!
5. I support hubby in his running adventure as a new first time mommy!
6. I learn to travel and stress less as a first time mommy!
7. I train for a running event as a first time mommy!
8. I finish the running event as a first time mommy!
9. I spend as much time as I can with my baby ZOE and hubby Joey!
10. I do things that I want to do in the best interest of my baby and husband! I do things that make me happy and do not give in to anything or anyone else that has other intentions! I learn to say NO and keep up with the progress I have made to make it in this crazy world with the love of my life-JOEY and soon to be baby of our dreams- ZOE!

May everyone have a wonderful start to 2011! Best wishes! May you be blessed with everything you have prayed and dreamed for!
Love mommy to be,