Saturday, September 3, 2011

29 Weeks OLD or 6 months and 3 weeks

Here are some pictures that were left out of the last blog posting! After these, I started my whole part about Zoe being almost 7 months!!!! Please see and read below!
Here she is enjoying my Utep thingy on our walk!

Daddy is soothing my baby girl right after she got her ears pierced! We did this right after her 6 month doctor appointment where she got a billion shots! Look how pretty they are!

Look her eating the big SMURF!

PEAS! We are making baby girl homemade food! Here we spent like 1 dollar and make like 16 to 20 sevings!

SWEET POTATOES for a total of 75 cents!

Baby ZOE is almost 7 months! WOW, where did all the time go??? Here are the last two week pictures! She has been eating more yummy food, but still prefers yummy milk over it! She is rolling all over the place, scooting everywhere, sitting longer periods, and trying to crawl more and more each day! She cut her first tooth last week and is working on another! They aren't out, but you can feel the top of one of them... it's sharp! Lets see how long mommy nurses now! GOAL: 12 MONTHS... I will pray it does not interfer! She weighs 17 pounds and is 26 inches long! She is currently wearing 6-9 month clothing! Did I mention that she is the cutest thing in the world!

No our baby is not excited to watch "WORD WORLD!"


MOM, why does that ball keep getting away from me?

Someone likes TV and Sports center!

PJs from Yellowstone park!

Mommy, look I can sit!


So we have not been putting on any of her 3-6 months clothes that are for winter because it's been so HOT! Well not she is out growing them all... so here is a cute outfit that we had to give to Baby Gillian! She wore it only for these next few cute pictures!

I love these next two pictures! She is teething on this sippy cup!

Pretty greenish eyse!

Lets play Baby Gillian!


Mommy loves you!

Love, Mommy

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