Saturday, September 17, 2011

7 months old Sept. 14th

September 4th-September15th. Baby Zoe is still practicing how to sit and crawl! She is always happy! Here are some of the pictures and experiences from the last few days!
Below she is playing with her "ZOE" doll! She is sporting her really cute "ZOE" slippers!

Such a cutie pie, waiting for her God Parents to come visit! Any minute now baby girl!

We got her some cute diapers that were decorated! Love them Pampers... just not the price! So we are enjoying these cute diapers and hope they last! It is really funny because right when I put them on her, she peed! Then a new diaper... she pooped! I was sad to see two cute diapers gone in five minutes!

I love this picture of her, over the shoulder glance with the cute diaper butt!

I think we have a couch potatoe! Look her watching Word World and using the remote control already! Mommy doesn't even get to use the remote control! You must have Daddy wrapped around your finger little sweetie!

I love my God Father, "Uncle Aaron!"

Come on God Mommy "Aunt Janene," watch Word World with us!

Mommy with no make up on with the cutest baby in the world! She brightens my days!

Hey cutie, what you smiling at? You are so adorable! I love taking pictures of you! I want to catch every second possible!

It's been a long day, time for my two hour nap!

Playing with Mommy is so much fun! I love playing in the blanket!

What did you say Mommy? Did you say pose for the photo?

We just went for a walk around the block and to get the mail! Mommy was lazy wearing her pjs! Hey, as long as my baby looks like a cutie... that's all that matters!

Yummy applesauce and bananas!

Sometimes I need my paci and my tigger, but only sometimes!

Baby Zoe,

I love you so much! Thank you for each day!

Love, Mommy

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