Wednesday, May 25, 2011

15 weeks old!!!

Wow it has been 3 weeks since the last time I updated Baby Zoes blog! This is what happens when you go back to work and have a new baby! Below are all pictures from May 9th to May 28th! I hope you enjoy seeing our baby girl grow in all these magnificent pictures we have taken for you! Since I still am not sure how to put pictures in certain spots, all the stuff I wrote it below them:-) So please read below as well if you want to be updated on our sweet chunky monkey!

These are the beautiful flowers Joey got me for my first Mother's Day! They were so lovely!
My Mommy was so sweet in sending me flowers also for my first Mommy's Day! Thank you Mommy, I love you and I hope your Mommy's Day was awesome also!

Joey has become a gardener, handy man, and landscaper since Baby Zoe was born! Here is our yard maker over! We want Zoe to be able to walk in grass as she learns! Take a look! It's so pretty! Here is the front yard! He made it look pretty!

Here is the left side of the back yard where we will also have an extended patio near the house! We have our grill in the middle of the yard also! This will be nice to sit around and just hang out in!

Here is my favorite view! This is the updated dog run with a flower bed! The soon to be flower and veggie bed! And the cute little stones to the doggy run! I just love it all! Great Job hubby, Zoe will love it!

All right now for the billions of pictures of our baby girl! We love to take a picture of her everyday! SO here they all are from May 9th all the way to today, May 28th! Enjoy!!!

We decided to use this swaddle blanket, because we thought it would be handy! It turns out, Zoe hates being swaddled and never used it! Lets just say right after this she cried and had a little fit! The things we torture are children with just for a picture! lol

Here below she is wearing my baby shirt that I got when I was born at Providence Hospital!

Grandpa is holding me! I am forced to watch Basketball! lol

Grandpa takes all of these pictures below! You can tell because there are now hair bows! Too much trouble! lol

"Daddy, where is mommy?"

Now there are the pictures that Grandma took! Notice the bows returned!

Today is May 28th and I am wearing what mommy wore when she was a baby 31 years ago! Wow! Daddy is holding me!

Baby ZOE will be 15 weeks old on Monday! She weighs alittle over 13 pounds and is about 24 inches long! She chats up a storm and giggles in the morning to everything in sight! She is such a morning person! Something happens around 3pm and she transform into some other personality that would classify her as "grumpy!" But I really think it just may be she loves her mommy and daddy so much and just wants us to hold and feed her the rest of the evening!

She loves to try and sit up and stand with help! She loves doing cycles of play time in her swing, bouncer, play mat, bumbo seat, and new Baby Einstien activity thingy! She loves laughing when you put her feet up to her face! It's so adorable to watch her excitement! She also loves playing patting cake and being read or shown books! Gosh I love this baby girl!

I went back to work May 16th unfortunatley but I guess we need a paycheck in July and August, otherwise I would have just stayed home and went back to work in August! It was hard the first day! I left as close to my work time 7:30am, as possible... I was even almost late! Just so you know, this is not normal since I before the baby I'd go about 6am. Oh how babies change you:-) Anyways, after my first day back to work, I rushed home and almost jumped out of the car without shutting it off and taking off my seatbelt! For some reason I felt the need to get in as fast as possible! It made me feel like she missed me or something! Grandpa Joseph was her awesome babysitter for the first week back!

Baby Zoe, Grandpa did such an awesome job at feeding her and taking great care of her while mommy was at work! He was definetly a great babysitter! Zoe loved to sit with him in the rocking chair! He even found time to make dinner for mommy and daddy when we got home from work! Talk about Mr. Mom! Thank you Grandpa for finding time in your busy life to watch me! Everyday mommy would rush home to you baby girl! I missed you all day long even though I knew you were in good hands!

The next week May 23, Grandma Rhonda came down to watch you while Mommy and Daddy worked. I still rushed home each and everyday to hold you! Your Grandma is so awesome taking care of you. She is crazy though, because she keeps cleaning our house for us... like we invited her here to be our maid! "Grandma, stop cleaning and sit down and hang out... my parents can do it!" Thank you Grandma for cooking and cleaning for us even though we do not need you to, but especially thank you for wathcing me!

We are so lucky to have such caring people come and help us out with our baby girl while we are back at work! Thank you! You helped so that we do not have to put her in daycare!!!! Just one more week and we will be off until Mid-August! Yay! Zoe can not wait to see Grandma Lori and Grandma Tina! She would like to get to you to two also!!!!

Yesterday, May 27th, was our 5th Wedding Anniversary! How awesome to celebrate as a family of 3! It's everything we ever wanted and so much more! This is going to be such an awesome summer! I look forward to each and every moment with you Baby Zoe and hubby Joey! ha ha ha, it goes together kind of!

Baby Zoe,

Mommy and Daddy love you so very much! Thank you for all the smiles and laughs! Keep growing strong! We love you so much! We took you to the cardiologist doctor a few weeks ago. He said you are growing just fine and your heart murmur has went from 3mm to about 2.7mm. Yay for you! He also called you a chunky monkey! lol You are so cute, keep growing at your own rate! You can be our Chunky Monkey, as long as you are healthy!!!!

Wow you will soon be 4 months! Where did all this time go! One more week and we can play with you when ever and hold you as much as possible! I can not wait to watch you learn how to crawl, sit, roll over, and all the other cool things!

Keep those cute silver, blue, green eyes baby girl! They are so wonderful to look into!

I love you with all my heart!

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

  1. she is just getting big so quickly. i cant believe its been over three months. where did the time go?
