Monday, May 9, 2011

12 Mondays old!

Today is the 12th Monday since I had this precious baby girl you see below! How amazing that she was once in my tummy and now in this world playing with anything an arms length away! Here she is showing how she loves grabbing things and talking to them:-) That's my baby girl, keep taking in everything around you and learning as you go! Mommy will be here to watch your amazement all the exciting things around you!

She is still loving to be standing up with our help and sitting in the Bumbo chair! Last week she accidently rolled over twice while on tummy time! She started getting frustrated because she dislikes tummy time. As I walked around the ottoman she was on, she turned her body just perfect that it rolled her right on to her back! I am counting it as a skill to roll over... even though I know it may be a few more weeks until she does it again! She was all smiles after that! I think she was thinking, "At last, I am off my tummy!" So cute!

I keep having to show this beautiful picture of my belly which was once this baby girls home for 39 weeks! 12 Mondays after she made her debute are pictures of my new belly in progress of getting back into shape. I need lots more ab workouts to get it back the way I want it... but I will get there.

After breakfast picture today!

4pm picture... I guess my tummy is looking good for just having a baby! I will keep trying to get fit the way I want!


  1. told you you would get it back in no time!!! yay!!!

  2. thanks zerique... I am not there yet... but will be eventually
