Monday, June 6, 2011

16 weeks old!

Today our Baby Girl is 16 weeks old!
Below are all the pictures from the last week! Enjoy watching her grow and then read below for the updates in her life!

Yep, I have a little belly still from her birth... also that wonderful line is still there too! I love this picture though! For some reason she wanted to sit like this with me for like 10 minutes! It was cute and heart warming!

Today my baby girl is 16 weeks old! She weighs almost 14.5 pounds and is about 2 feet tall! She still fits in 3 month clothes believe it or not, but is more comfortable in 3-6 months clothes. Hahaha!

She loves to talk and smile at her toys and anyone who talks sweet to her! She likes to roll from her back to her side when she is playing! And if she is really upset, she just tends to roll over from her tummy to her back!

She has the most adorable and heart melting laugh! She only gives it away about 2-4 times in a day! If you catch it, hold on to it or record it! It is so priceless to hear! I am never near my phone or camera to get it!

She loves it when you pull her feet up to her mouth, playing patty cake, reading books, chewing on her teethers, grabbing anything, playing with her music colorful thingy mommy just put in her crib, and of course her favorite toy we call "her guy" which is the Baby Einstien Blue Octopus!

She still loves to stand up with help but the last two days has kind of gotten lazy about it! lol!

I am so excited she starts to go to sleep anywhere from 8:30-10:30pm and stays asleep until about 5 to 7 am. Once in a while she wakes up at 2 or 3am to eat. But it just awesome to see how she has made this schedule without our help or force! She even lets us know when it is time to eat or nap! It is all up to her! I love it! No schedule that I have pushed on her... she did it all herself! I love feeding her on demand, in fact that is what is most recommended! It works for her and us as a family!

Next week, we will be traveling the farthest ever as a family of 3! We will be going to El Paso for a family members wedding. It will be an adventure and big learning experience for all of us! I can not wait for her to meet her two great-grandmas and great aunts and uncles! I also am very excited to take her swimming for the first time as well! Daddy will not let us get a little cheap pool because of our new grass... so mommy has been waiting impatiently! lol! I think I may need to not follow daddys wishes this one time! She loves baths and will love her pool... we can always put in in the front yard or on the driveway! "Come on Daddy, what do you say?"

I think our car will look like we are moving because we have never traveled with her before and do not know what to bring. Stroller, car seat of course, sleep travel bed, portable swing, bumbo chair,diapers, blankets, and all of our clothes. It's going to be full! You just never know and we have no idea if anyone in EP has some of this stuff we could borrow..... so we want to be prepared!

Baby Zoe,

Mommy is watching you grow more and more each day! I love you with all my heart! You are mommy's little girl now and I love that so much! I know by the time you are one years old, you will be all about daddy! So for now... keep being excited to see and hear me! I will be everything that I possibly can be for you... forever! Even when you only want your daddy! Keep growing strong and healthy! Keep learning all of your firsts!

We love you so much,

Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. too cute- go ahead and rent the uhaul and just pack up her whole nursery. too funny!!! but yes i think everything on your checklist is what i would take.
