Tuesday, June 14, 2011

17 Weeks and 1 Day OR 4 months today

So I got alittle behind... this is from last week~! Baby Zoe is 17 weeks old or 4 months today June 14th! She weighs 14.5 pounds and is almost 25 inches long! Here are the pictures since the last time! She is such a cutie pie! I love watching her sleep! She really enjoys her Baby Einstien bouncer! She gets frustrated because her mouth does not reach all the toys on it!

See her little smirk!

Here she is wearing the cute head band "Lily's" mommy gavc her!

Daddy took these pictures by the way, so I had to add another!

She is sitting in her Bumbo chair, staring at the mirror on her play mat!

Daddy and Zoe decided to take a nap like at 5pm! It was so cute! She refused to sleep the entire day, so this was priceless!

Opps, I forgot to rotate this picture! Here is her really cute swimsuit that Baby Zaelynn passed down to her!

She absolutely loves swimming and taking baths!

Daddy and Zoe enjoying swimming!

Such a cute Daddy holding his precious baby girl!

Here she is plotting her next plan of action...

I love all my clothes from Baby Zaelynn, especially these jeans!

Just Daddy and Me! I had my 4 month shots today! It was horrible! I cried and was so fussy the entire day! Mommy and Daddy had to soothe me with all that they had!


Mommy and Daddy love you more than words can describe! You are such a miracle and wonderful baby! You keep us happy and smiling each and everyday! I love how much you grow each day! I see you learning so much! It is so amazing how fast you are growing and learning!

So far today:

You hold your head up, love standing with our help, can sit for like 1-3 seconds before you lean forward with your head almost touching your toes, you can roll over to both sides and tummy, you can make more laughs, giggles, and coos, you can squeal and cry a variety of ways, you can grab anything and everything in your reach, you can try to crawl towards things but not quite yet, and you can move backwards when on your tummy!

Today, You are now 18 weeks old! We just got back from your first family vacation! We went to El Paso/Las Cruces and back for 5 days, 1500 miles total! You were such a good baby traveler! Thank you so much for being a good sport about being trapped in your car seat for so long! I am so sorry we had to mess up your schedule and routine a bit, but I promise it was worth it and you will get it all back within this week!

I will update your blog again this week, so you can see all of your pictures and share your memories of your first family trip!

Keep growing healthy and strong my baby Zoe! Baby of my dreams!

Love, Mommy!

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