Monday, April 11, 2011

ZOE is 8 weeks old!

Zoe is 8 weeks and 1 day old in this picture above! I had to add this one! She is so adorable!
I know they say, "Don't cry over spilt milk!" But when I accidently spilt this hard earned collected milk all over our kitchen island... I so wanted to cry! I scarred Joey when I reacted like someone stabbed me. I literally had tears in my eyes as I explained what just happened. As everyone says, "this stuff is liguid gold and so sad when it is wasted!"

Baby Girl is now 8 weeks old and weighs about 10 pounds and 4 ounces! She has gained almost 3.5 pounds since birth. She is holding her head all by herself for brief periods! She loves being held so that her body is in a standing position! She loves to see all the things around her! One week has passed since my last update and since then she has smiled more and more each day on purpose! It is so adorable! I recently took her outside and found out she loves the way the wind blows on her face! She has the cutest reaction when her hair is being blown all over!I love seeing the way she reacts to her environment. It is so amazing how fast babies grow with each day! I am treasuring each and every day! I know with each day, it is another moment quickly gone that will never come back! I love my baby girl and am so blessed to have such a wonderful gift!

Below are her pictures for this past week!

7 weeks 1 day

7 weeks 2 days

7 weeks 3 days

Don't cry!

7 weeks 4 days

7 weeks 5 days

Daddy being silly!

7 weeks 6 days

"An honest bib!"

8 WEEKS OLD! Coach Derrington gave this to me at my school and said, "Just in case she is born early!' Little did she know, she was right! 2 months later, Zoe is wearing her Valentine Onesie! Happy 2 month Birthday!!!!

Baby Zoe,

Mommy and Daddy love you so very much! Everyday you grow more and more! It is so exciting to see you learning everything for the first time! Keep growing at your pace and stay strong my baby girl! You are doing so awesome out in this huge world! Keep making each and everyday a dream come true to your mommy and daddy!

All my Love and Kisses,


P.S. Here is a video of you being a strong baby girl!

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