Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tummy Time

Zoe is at the end of about 8 minutes of Tummy Time! She is 8 weeks and 2 days old here!

Today she went for her shots and two month check up! She is doing awesome!

Weight: 11 pounds

Height: 22.67 inches

Baby Zoe,

It hurt mommy so much to see you in so much pain today in the doctors office because of your 3 shots you had to get! You are such a strong baby girl and I am so proud of you! 4 hours later your little legs and body was so sore that you cried for 1 hour! Mommy and Daddy were so sad to see you so uncomfortable! I cried because I felt helpless and wanted to take all your pain away!

Mommy thinks she is strong but today realized it is so hard to be strong when the baby of her dreams is in so much pain! You are such a small precious baby that has to depend on the world around you to help you develope your strength and skills. Dealing with pain is one of those things that is the most hardest to teach one to cope/deal with. How do you tell such a small person, "It will be ok, mommy is here! Or it's ok, we love you so much!" Words can not take away such pain. It broke my heart... Zoe I never want to see you in pain and will never put you in pain, however realistically some pain is unpreventable and is a must to help you in this world! But Mommy will do everything in her power to help you know that we are here to comfort you and make it better!

May God give you the strength to realize we are here, you are so loved, and you are so strong! I pray you feel better by this evening baby girl! Mommy will be by your side to comfort you in this new experience in your life! Things will be better with each minute Zoe! I can not wait for you to be able to talk and let us know what discomforts you have but at the same time, go slow baby girl! Mommy wants to enjoy each and every moment!

We love you baby girl!


Mommy and Daddy

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