Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter and 10 WEEKS OLD

First, look at these awesome name blocks that Lisa had made for you baby girl! These are so perfect and match your room nicely! Thank you so much!!! HAPPY EASTER! This is baby girls first Easter! Look at her little Easter outfit and basket filled with cute little gifts from family! Thank you all so much!

Look at this cutie!

So a few days before Easter, baby girl and I went for a walk and we always get the mail on this walk! Lo and be hold, we had a mailbox full of packages all addressed to "ZOE." This baby girl is so loved and celebrated by everyone! Look at this little girl getting tired of waiting for daddy to get home so we can open her EASTER gifts!

Finally the next day actually we got to open them... let's just say she was exhausted and frustrated after all this excitement! lol

And now all the rest of the lovely pictures of our Baby girls first Easter morning! Look at the little EASTER BUNNY!

Zoe is growing and growing more and more each day! Here are a whole bunch of pictures showing her cuteness as she grows!
April 12th
April 13

April 14- after lots of naps and tears from her doctor appointment:-(

April 16

April 17

April 18

April 19

April 20- no photos please!

April 21

April 22

April 23- the day before EASTER! Such a precious baby!

Baby Zoe is 10 weeks old on April 25th! It has been so awesome to watch her every move and all of her firsts!

Prefences of Zoe Grace:
She loves to stand all the way up while we hold her hands. She loves to sit up in her Bumbo seat, while her little head bobs. She can not stand not being able to see all the things around her. When she is her fussiness, do not put her on her back in anyway or angle! Your only choices are: way up over your shoulders or in her standing position. If that does not work then you can rock her next to the loud sounding fan or vacuum cleaner depending what room you are in.

In the middle of the night, I have to make sure there is no light visible while nursing her or else she gets totally intrigued by it and begins to play instead of eat! It's so cute but frustrating at 1,2,3,4, or 5 in the morning. HAHAHA!

Baby girl does not sleep the entire night but does so awesome when comparing her to the first colicky baby we brought home from the hospital up to like 6 weeks old! It is still alittle act getting her to sleep, but it's a work in progress. Now she wakes up only for a clean diaper, to nurse, or just be held for a little while! She goes right back to sleep! Now this is all still in our room... we are working on getting her to the crib... for now she sleeps in her bassinett near mommy. And why not, I mean she is still so small and dependent on us! But really, we will try the crib thing soon. I will keep you updated on our lack of sleep nights when this takes place!

She loves the color blue when it comes to toys! There is something about that color that totally catches her attention and cuteness!!! Her favortie toy to date is the Baby Einstien Octopus! That's her guy! She loves him so much! Then it would have to be her mommy! She absolutely loves her mommy! Just joking! But it feels that way to me... shh, do not tell daddy! She also likes the big huge blue whale on her play mat and now her orange "ZOE" toy that daddy had to buy her! She is just so cute with her toys! She will sit there and have a staring contest or conversation with them!

Baby Zoe's routine or somewhat schedule:
After her night and early feedings, she will wake up between 6:30-7:30am to eat and sometimes play for like 15-20 minutes. Then she goes back to sleep and does not wake up until between 9:30-10:00am. This is when mommy does chores, runs, exercises, plays on the computer, eats, and/or sleeps with her depending on the night:-)

Mommy comes in the room and greets her with lots of hugs, kisses, and smiles! I always tell her "GOOD MORNING" as I open all the curtains to let the sunlight in. This is when she is up and the most playful happy baby until around 12:30ish when she starts to get fussy. Very fussy... usually resulting in a lot of rocking and mommy holding time! Sometimes she naps for 1-2 hours after, you just never know!

Up until 7pm, I am usually trying to preoccupy her with lots of exercise, entertainment, hugs, kisses, feedings, soothing/calming things, and even naps. Then I like to take her for a walk in our neighborhood in the stroller or baby carrier. Sometimes daddy comes with us!

After that it's more juggling because this is when she is the most fussiest! Eventually daddy gets to feed her a bottle then we juggle some more and eventually in a pitch dark room, mommy is able to finally get our little angel to sleep!!!

Baby Zoe is able to sleep for 3-5 hours at a time and then we get to start this beautiful experience all over again the next morning:-)

Baby ZOE,
Mommy and Daddy are still so excited to get this precious gift with you each and everyday! Keep practicing all of your exercises to grow more and more each day. Mommy actually wants you to stay where you are because, I love holding you and being there for you so much. It's hard to think that with each day that goes by, that is another day we will never get back. SO I promise, I will try my best to take it all in and give you everything I have each and everyday!

So baby girl, go ahead and keep growing healthy and older with each moment! Mommy will still be here for you to hold you and console you when ever you need! Daddy can not wait to play with you! He is getting excited with each moment that you become more playful and attentive! He loves all your smiles, faces, and body movements of excitement when he is around! Keep being the baby that your are. We love every part of you!
Thank you for being the most precious baby!
Love always and forever,
Mommy and Daddy

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