Monday, March 28, 2011

April 4th, 7 weeks old

Baby Zoe has been growing so fast! She currently weighs about 10 pounds! Mommy is in extreme need to lift weights in order to carry her around in her carrier! What a great reason to get in shape! Speaking of getting in shape, mommy has been running for one week so far! The most that I have done, is 2.5 miles! I am really trying to take my time and move up in distance in baby steps! I plan on starting a few weights this week and building from there! Who knows, maybe I will be able to get my most of my lost muscle back:-) Well below are the dozens of pictures that mommy and daddy have taken of Baby Zoe! She is such a dream come true! I can not say how much it means to us to have her with us and as our daughter! She is the baby of our dreams and all of prayers have been answered by having her here with us! The following pictures below are starting from St. Patricks day which is when she was 31 days old, and ending with today which is April 4th, which she is 49 days old. I hope you love to watch the magnificent growth of our baby ZOE!


Today you are 7 weeks old! Each and everyday is such a blessing! I love waking up to you each and every morning! When you sleep, I could watch you forever as you look so angelic and peaceful! You make a bunch of new sounds more and more each day, it is so adorable! You are such a cutie! I can not believe you are ours! God is so awesome to have blessed us with such a precious baby girl!

You are more alert in your awake times during the day! It is so cute how you are starting to smile more on purpose! I love the way that you laugh and make little sighs in your sleep! Mommy has been so lucky to spend each of these days with you and the next 6 as well before going back to work. I am going to be so sad to not have you with me! But lets not talk about that right now.

In the last three weeks you have been conquering colic somewhat:-) Mommy and daddy have fed you mylicon and gave you the wonderful sound of the vaccumm to help calm you and soothe your little tummy. You have managed to sleep the last two weeks off and on for the most part from 11pm to 7am. You have outgrown your newborn clothes and am almost fitting clothes the size of 0-3 months. It is so cute how small clothes look on you because you are a little too big. Also cute when we put you in bigger clothes because they are baggy in so many places on you:-)

We so many pictures of you that we could probably give everyone in our city a different picture of you! We want to capture each and every moment of your precious life! Our gift to the world is sharing captured moments with them.

Mommy and Daddy are the luckiest people on earth! We love you so much and look forward to each and every breathe with you!

I hope you love all of these pictures! There are so many more to come my precious baby girl!


Mommy and Daddy


  1. super cute. the one of joey and her playing video games reminds me of something i have seen somewhere--- maybe at my house...
