Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby Zoe is one month old!!!!

Baby Zoe,
You are growing so fast! It has been 30 days since you came into this wonderful world! What a blessing it has been. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much! You have had a lot of visitors coming to meet you and hold you! You love all the attention, even though you tend to sleep most of the time! Below are all of the pictures from the last two weeks! It has been so exciting to watch you grow and become more aware of the things around you! Just make sure you take your time, Mommy and Daddy want to take advantage of every moment and breath you take. We will always be here guiding you through each and every moment.
We love you our precious baby girl with all of our hearts and so much more! Keep growing and making our lives so blessed!
Mommy and Daddy

Day 19- Baby girl loves taking baths!
Day 20

Day 21- look how much you have grown since day 1 (same outfit)

Day 22- I love your baggy pants!

Day 23- You are wearing the dress and bonnet that your Great Grandma Judy made for mommy when she was a premie. They did not make premie clothes back then, so she made it from a doll pattern:-)

Day 24, In your Monkey outfit again!

Day 25- look at that belly!

Day 26- Flashing your first big bow~

Day 27- So precious

Day 28- My favorite outfit on you! You are growing so fast, it fits way better than the 4th day!

ONE MONTH OLD- DAY 29, Mommy finally has another picture with you! You are wearing your cute Winnie the Pooh dress.

Day 30- mommy bought you a carrier so that you can be near her on walks and errands out in public! You look so cute and you love it!

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