Saturday, February 5, 2011

My feet are ready for Baby Zoe's Debute!

Today a friend treated me to a Spa visit for a 1 hour pedicure! It was so awesome and relaxing! When they asked me what color do I want... I paused for a while because I never really treat myself to a pedi! Then I turned to Elaine and said, "Which color do I want to see mid-air in stir-ups deliverying Baby Zoe!" It actually made everyone laugh! After what seemed like a lifetime decision, I went with a purple!

Needless to say, my feet are ready for labor... but is the rest of my body????

Baby Zoe,

Mommy got her toes colored just for you today! It helped get some of the stress off of me from work and to relax a little! I am so excited and can not wait for you to be in my arms! Take your time sweetie and come on your terms, when you are ready! In the meantime, mommy and daddy are getting everything together for you! I hope you love your room and all of the cool gadgets people bought for you to use! I love you so much and pray you stay strong, healthy, and happy in my tummy!

We will see you soon baby girl!

Love Mommy


  1. Yay! Cute toes for a cute mommy and baby!!! And ... When will I see you again? Can we have breakfast next weekend? let's have a girls breakfast before Zoe makes her debut.

  2. Yes, it is a date! How about saturday morning? I think that is the next time you will see me!

  3. we have gym saturday morning. we can always do lunch as well. we just need to do something.
