Sunday, February 13, 2011

Starting 40th week of pregnancy!

Baby Zoe,
Tomorrow is Valentines Day, so I took a picture of your very first Valentines! A really nice student that I teach got you the cute litte girl doll and decorated the bag for you as well! The cute little elephant is from your Grandma Rhonda. You also have a Valentine from your great-Grandma J. Moore on it's way as well! Everyone wants to show you how much they love you and are ready for you to be here!
Happy Heart Day Baby girl! May you learn that each and every day is a chance for you to express your care and love for the people around you! Valentines Day is a cute Holiday where we will get to spoil you with all the hearts and notes just like all the other 365 days in the year! Just remember everyday is a great day to share your love!!!
We love you and are waiting here for you! Be strong, stay healthy, and be happy Baby girl!

Here below is a picture of your new dresser that daddy has been dreaming about getting for your room! We found the perfect spot for it and now you are set until you grow almost taller than mommy!
As it gets closer to our baby girls arrival, I start thinking about this whole journey of pregnancy to date!

Baby Zoe,
Mommy and Daddy have been wanting you for what seems like forever! We were blessed in May with you in my tummy! It has been a journey to get you there but so worth it! Everyday we prayed and had dreams of having you and now we are a few days away from meeting you, the baby of our dreams! Here are a few things that took place with me while preggy with you so far!

In the First Trimester:
  • I told Daddy about you by sending him a picture of a cute onesie! He was so excited and happy that it brought him to tears of joy!
  • I did not crave any food what so ever! In fact, mommy spent most of her time nauseous and throwing up!
  • I could not smell, see, or eat any milk, meat, or veggie products! I only ate toast for breakfast, rices/beans, and pasta for lunch.
  • I took you to Arlington/Dallas area for a teacher workshop and Austin to see Laura!
  • I was not able to feed the doggies because the food stinks!
  • I did not like going into HEB or Walmart because it smelt gross to me!
  • I did not run because I wanted to make sure you would be ok!
  • I gained like 5 pounds and actually thought I was showing, but the pictures proved me wrong:-)

Second Trimester:
  • I started teaching the new school year and was having really bad morning sickness still:-(
  • I enjoyed eating Limon Lays Chips with Louisiana Hot Sauce, Cakester Oreos, regular Oreos, Hot Cheetos and Queso, Ginger Ale, Peppermint Gum, Belly Pops for morning sickness, decaf coffee, and bean/potatoe burritos.
  • I could not feed the dogs, going into HEB, or Walmart!
  • I was able to eat oatmeal for breakfast around 18 weeks preggy!
  • I craved Cherry Coke and Cherry Dr. Pepper, but waited until Halloween to have a soda! (It was so awesome!)
  • I still could not eat any meat products, but slowly was able to eat some veggies and fruits.
  • I ran and walked with you in my tummy everywhere and anytime I got a chance!
  • We took you to Chicago to see the Marathon, good friends, and Amy Stielstra (my 6th/7th grade teacher) from a long long time ago!

Third Trimester:
  • I walked and ran the Rock n Roll San Antonio 1/2 marathon with you! Daddy ran the half also and beat us with his best time so far! Grandma Rhonda finished the half with us that day faster than before also!
  • I ate meat for the first time without getting sick on Thanksgiving and have not stopped since!
  • I finally got to eat more fruits and veggies without getting sick! Finally got to eat cereal and milk for breakfast! No more toast or oatmeal needed! Lunch everyday has been lean cuisines of all kinds!
  • I could finally cook meat without getting as sick!
  • I stopped eating Cakester Oeros and chips, but started wanting a lot of ice, Rootbeer, Blizzards, Cherry Limeades, chocolate marshmallows, and all ice cream more often!
  • We took you to Waco to see your cousin Brianna and Aunt Nichole!
  • We got to see you in 3D/4D!
  • We set up, painted, and finished your nursery!
  • So far I have gained a total of 26 pounds!
Take your time sweet heart! Mommy and Daddy love you and know we will see you soon!
Happy Heart Day!
Mommy and Daddy


  1. It's February 14th!!!! Happy birthday Baby Zoe!!!! We've been waiting for you for a very long time!!!! You are the best Valentine's day gift ever for your Mommy and Daddy!!! Welcome to this world baby girl! We love you so much and can't wait to go see you! Yay!!! Congrats Mommy and Daddy!!!

  2. Cherish This Time

    So your baby is here!
    What joy and what pleasure!
    Now your life is expanding,
    To make room for this treasure.

    A darling newcomer
    To have and to hold--
    Her smiles are more precious
    Than silver or gold.

    She’ll demolish your schedule
    Though she’s helpless and small;
    She’ll make her needs known,
    And she’ll rule over all.

    See, a new parent’s work
    Is just never quite done,
    But you’ll never mind,
    ‘Cause it’s all so much fun.

    When you hear her cute giggle
    You’ll start "aahing" and "oohing,"
    And she’ll soon reply back
    By "ga ga" and "goo gooing."

    Those big innocent eyes
    See a world strange and new;
    To make sense of it all
    She’ll look only to you.

    So cherish this time
    Of miraculous things--
    The excitement and wonder
    That a new baby brings.

    By Joanna Fuchs
