Thursday, February 24, 2011


On Friday Feb. 11th, mommy felt the need to clean up her classroom and straighten everything as if there was going to be a substitute for the next week. I had this feeling all day, like I am going to have you "Baby Zoe" early, but not sure and wanted to be ready! I did not leave until 6pm that day and had everything set for just incase!

On Sunday Feb. 13th, mommy decided to clean the entire house (ok, well most of it). It was really strange and I could not stop! All weekend I had signs of labor but kept canceling them out because of this being my first time and not wanting false alarms.

On Feb. 14th, 5am ish, Baby Zoe decided to break my water. After I called a few people to check if this really could be it or if it is a false alarm; mommy was told to go Methodist Hospital! Before we headed to this hospital, daddy was sent to work so that 1.) Daddy could relax and set up for his sub 2.) Mommy could do her hair and put make up on and prepare any last minute items! Then we were on our way!
Below is a picture after Daddy found out, we are for sure in labor and my water did in fact break!
Daddy and I realized we have no pictures of him kissing you in my tummy, so here is our first and last picture before your arrival!

We love you so much and were so excited and anxious that you were on your way!!!!

Daddy wanted a picture of your heart beat! You can also see my blood pressure and my own heart beat, which was pretty high compared to my norm. I was pretty anxious and excited... so many things to think about and worry about on what is to come in this whole day in labor!

Mommy was put on pitocin to be induced because of her water breaking. I held on as long as I could but by 4:00pm (5 hours later), I ended up getting an epidural. Mommy has a fear of needles, so I got all worked up for the IV, which had to be done twice which made it even worse. So imagine how my reaction was with the whole process of a larger needle inserted into my back! Yep, it was a teary experience! I had the best support people there, between daddy and my awesome nurse Danielle to comfort me and keep me some what grounded.
So here is a picture of mommy, not quite as smiley as before, but still extremely excited to meet you!

Here is a picture of your daddy and I a little before you were born! Daddy was this best coach, support, hubby, friend, and soon to be daddy the entire time! Mommy needed oxygen quite a few times during the day because you kept playing games with us and your heart beat! Mommy also needed oxygen because I had side affects from all the medication and was a little anxious also. This picture was taken like 3-5 minutes before you were born!
Mommy started pushing at 8:20 to move you into position, you worked your way down by like 8:40.  Then we waited for Dr. Washington, lots of things went on at this time! There were like 2-3 more nursing staff in there ready for your arrival and prepping all needed thigns... At maybe 8:45 Dr. Washington was in there and telling me to push to get you on your way out!  It was like 3 pushes and you were out. You were delivered at 8:57 PM. "Baby Zoe Grace Menchey" 6 pounds and 15 ounces, 20.5 inches long!
What a beautiful baby girl! Mommy could not believe that such a wonderful gift from above came from me! I was still so worried about you that I kept checking if you were breathing and if everything was ok! Here is our first family picture!!!!

They cleaned my baby girl up and placed you in my arms! It was love at first sight! I have been dreaming of this moment for so long! I love you so much! Mommy will try to be the best mommy ever! I love you so much already and I just met you! Mommy will be here for you always and forever!

Here you are on your first full day!

Here is day 2 in your take home outfit! Our little Monkey!

Mommy is ready to bring you home! Daddy is getting the car! Baby Zoe, is watching mommy and her every move! You could not wait to meet you three brothers (doggies) and your new home!

Here is another picture for your 1st day, you were half a day old! The picture people came in to take pictures and we totally gave in to the whole experience! We have so many pictures to show you when you get older!

Here is day 3! Daddy loves holding you! You are definetly daddy's little girl!

Day 4, in the most adorable outfit ever!

Day 5! You sleep in the cutest positions! Sometimes we just sit and watch you! It's so amazing that you came from us! We love you and our so excited that you are ours!

Day 6, cutie pie having tummy time in the cutest position ever!

Day 7, all snuggled in her bouncer.

Day 8, picture day! We took you to get some really adorable pictures! We have so much to share with the world! You are so adorable! I have no idea how we ever made it this far without you!

Day 9, Daddy went back to work, so you were wearing an out fit that said, "Daddy's Sweetie!"

Dear Baby Zoe,
So far everything has been so wonderful and we look forward to each and everyday! May you keep growing strong and healthy! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!
Keep making cute sounds and sleeping in the cutest positions ever!
Mommy and Daddy- the proudest parents ever!
And by the way- I gained 27 pounds in pregnancy! And after almost 11 days post-pregnancy, I have lost 19 pounds and need 8 more to be at my pre-pregnancy weight! Wow, I guess drinking all that water, training for and completing a half marathon, and having morning sickness for 24 weeks, helped! I guess also not giving in to so many cravings and having so many food aversions managed me also! I am not in a hurry to lose the weight or even to get back in shape! I will just try to eat healthier and drink lots of water for the next few weeks before I start training again!
What a wonderful experience!
I loved every single moment of pregnancy and would do it all over again! Just later, I want to enjoy every single moment now with our new baby girl! We can talk about more babies, later... way later! lol
Happiest mommy ever!

1 comment:

  1. :) Very cute! But I don't think Zoe was 16 pounds! LOL :D When we saw you Zoe you were so teeny tiny! And your Daddy wouldn't share with me :) I waited patiently to hold you because I didn't want to just walk in there and grab you. I also took a shower so I would be germ free for you! I was very excited to see and hold you :) Keep growing baby girl! But not too fast! We love you!

    Chris, Marysol, and Baby Magdaleno
