Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Weaning, Potty, and SUMMER!

My Zoe Grace,
I am sitting here writing this after your bedtime. Daddy put you to bed for the second day in a row. Yep, that's right- No nursing at bedtime for the second day in a row!  Yesterday Mommy went to her fourth Tuesday of bible study on "Five Conversations to have with your Daughter!" We have been slowly weaning you to nursing only twice a day (5am and 8pm). We have been going mommy and Zoe pace. Now that mommy has been out on her summer break for a week now she has been putting you on the potty, having you wear more cloth diapers, and getting you ready to wean from nursing.  This felt like the best time since
  1.  It is summer, we would have more time for the process
  2. We made sure you have 3-4 more bags full of frozen 5 ounce bags of breast milk
  3. You started to accept a little more whole milk or actually vanilla low fat milk (both organic) 
  4. We wanted to get you use to the idea of going potty on the potty and perhaps not sleeping in a crib (probably the last thing we try this summer or fall)
  5. Mommy and Daddy are thinking about the process to perhaps get you a sibling in the next year or so (you would get a friend for life)
So back to the weaning process. Zoe it is really hard on mommy and not so hard on you! You get a little fussy and/or cranky but hugs and kisses help you a lot!  Mommy has loved every single minute of this very time consuming committment of nursing you! I mean who would not like to be first greeted in the morning with cuddles from a nursing baby girl like you! And then the last thing of the night... more cuddles from my nursing baby girl! You give me so much love and hugs Zoe Grace! Mommy just can't get enough kisses from you either! Thank you for sticking out those hard first months of nursing! I can see it was well worth it! All those sleepless nights and days, with lots of tears, anxiety, and frustration when trying to figure out all the hoops and stuff to jump through to get this nursing thing going... the hardest being getting the milk supply to workout! Eventually it did... I mean we had some more scares throughout these 16-17 months but gosh, who would have thought you would have nursed this long! It is so amazing! I think you just may be like your momma! Stubborn, determined, strong willed, and committed to what ever you put your mind too! It makes me sad as we come each day closer to a non-nursing baby girl (or toddler). I am so blessed it all worked out and want you to know when you read this later in life... it is a very sad time too! This strong connect between us has been so helped by nursing! It's scary to think what happens when nursing is done?

It's also sad because it means you are growing more and more!  I really wish they had babies at 12-18 months last that age for like 2 years long! This is such a fun discovery age! You really bring joy and sunshine to our lives Zoe Grace. I know it is meant to be and things will only get better and more exciting! As we move from one phase of your development we will go into more exciting moments! I will get through this and eventually when we are blessed with a sibling for you we will go through this love/hard relationship of nursing all over again! I am thinking it will be about 50% easier with all the knowledge you have given me on the topic!

Potty Training on my! Well I don't think we can really call it that. A better name would be, "Potty Awareness!"  We got Zoe a cute potty top and step stool! We put her on the potty frequently throughout the day for her to get this connection or awareness of the potty process. Even though she is not the aware of the whole ordeal, she has pottied 2-4 times a day on the potty! Sometimes we just have a great reading time on the potty and others we get lucky with potty! I love how more and more each day she is getting more comfortable with it! We are hoping this will help her when we start to potty train her with the panties and everything! We are just waiting for her to talk a little more before we start 100% potty training! Who knows, maybe we will get lucky and she will be trained by 2!

Zoe has been getting up between 5-6:20am every day! This has made me exhausted, but by 7 or 7:30, I finally give in and take her for a walk or jog. Not everyday of course but like 2-3 times a week. This is good because it's way more than I have ever done! She really loves the BOB stroller. She actually hates when we get back home and I have to take her out! She is definately an outside person! She loves the birds, grass, sun, bugs, dirt, rocks... etc!

Zoe is two weeks from being a year and 5 months old.  She weighs 23 pounds and is 31 inches tall! She has 14 teeth, will all of her bottom ones in untl the last molars come in next year! The hardest teething so far of the last few months we not the molars.... it was actually the canines! Those ones for some reason called for a lot of mommy time, up all night, up real early, hugs, tears, and WORD WORLD!

Zoe loves to go to the Zoo, the park, the library for baby time/toddler story time, swimming at the neighborhood pool, swimming in our Camp Invent pool that we got to keep, runs in the jogging stroller, shopping in any store, visiting all her friends, and just hanging out with mommy and daddy! She throws a few new tantrums every now and then but mostly is a happy smiley baby girl!  She just started getting bashful when men tell her her "hi" after she yelled "hi" a few times at them! It's real cute so see!

At home you can catch her playing with her babydolls, sitting in her ballpit, reading a book, sitting at her table playing, or playing with any electronic device she finds in arms reach!  She still loves her veggies and fruit with every meal, and is in love with watermelon!  Her least favorite thing which makes mommy nervous is drinking liguids!  We are working on this.

She absolutely hates having anything in her hair so therefore always has it down. Mommy has cut it three times total to keep it out of her eyes and since she will not let me put it up!  She did however with a lot of "NOs," managed to leave her pigtails alone for 2 straight hours today at the KIDDIE PARK!

Here are a bunch of pictures snapped on our wonderful experiences this summer so far! 

Such a cutie pie!

Daddy took Zoe to the Zoo!

Eating her veggies at Peter Piper Pizza.

Playing tea time with her babies!

One last play in her activity thingy before lending it to Cathy for baby Lincoln!

Sporting her cloth diaper that Mary let us try!

She loves to read!

Love this picture!

Yay for pig tails!  We are heading to Austin to go get Zoe a cute table from IKEA!


Zoe helping DADDY put her table together!

Loves eating her homemade popsicles!


Fun times.

Mommy I am trying to watch "Word World."

No more pictures!

Loving on mommy in the carrier I can still use, while wearing Tigger ears.

Great Uncle David putting baby girl in the pool!

Cousin Matthew

I love avocado!

Her new found love of corn!

Mmm, momma's water!

The other option of milk she will drink!

An early morning with momma!

Cousins Brianna and Rian dropped by Sea World for a visit! We got to eat with them for dinner with Auntie Nichole and Loren!

Zerique and Momma ran the Carrabbas Relay.

Yay, momma is out for summer... a trip to the ZOO!

Daddy made homemade strawberry ice cream! She tried to lick the bowl clean!

Our little fairy at Stellas 3rd Bday Party!

She's becoming better at hitting a pinata!

You want me to get which candy?

Zoe and I went to take pictures near our house for Daddy's Fathers Day gift!  This one was very cute! Unfortunately it was really hard to get Zoe to look towards the camera or at least up without someone else there.  So the pictures I had to choose from were mostly of her looking down. BOO, but still cute!

Zoe loves water! I think these next few pictures are my favorite!

Finally the day came! HAPPY FATHERS DAY DADDY!

We went to watch his soccer game for his special day!  Zoe wants to be a goalie... daddy says, "no!"

Daddy took a two hour nap on his day too!

Then we joined him!

Here is part of his gift we made him!

Zoe loves to play peek a boo and hide in tents!

Story time at the library!

Teo's 3rd Bday party at the Kiddie Park! Zoe loved every single thing about it! She even wore her pig tails for two hours without pulling them out!

Mommy was watching as the nice lady put Zoe in her first ride ever! I was so worried you were going to try and get out or lean into the water! ha ha ha!

Ready to hit her 5th Pinata!

She was way more interested in collecting rocks than candy!

Walking in Daddy's shoes already!

Zoe had so much fun hanging out with all the different kiddos these last few days! It was so much fun to see her getting involved in all the action around her! We are so blessed to have good friends new and old inviting us for these awesome experiences for our baby girl!
We still have a few more weeks of our summer! I am enjoying every single moment that I get to spend with this precious gift from God above and my soul mate hubby! I am so thankful for these precious people in my life and family of three!
So grateful for each and every moment!
Mommy loves you with every grain in her body and mind Zoe Grace!

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