Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer is officially starting for us!

It starting to look like summer around here...
Summer break is almost here! Mommy and Daddy work until June 15 but we are already starting to have some fun in the sun!  Zoe got to see more family at Kylies soccer games. She got to play in the water almost everyday when mommy brings her home from daycare!  She started carrying around alittle purse and puppy from Papa and Mimi Menchey. Very cute if I may add!
She ended her first season with the Little Gym and started the next one! She helped mommy grocery shop, ate good, slept good, played good, and just was a blast for us to be around!
She also got to go to Gillian's First Birthday Party!

It is so much fun to have this precious baby girl! She is full of laughs, smiles, hugs, and kisses!
Here are some of the captured moments of our little sunshine!

This is how much she loves water! Look at this soaked girl!

Daycare ready!

Daycare morning...

Silly Monkey at daycare!

Yummy Food!

Cutie being silly!

Wow, look at these plants Momma!

Ok, what are we going to buy momma?

I want everything! Mommy ended paying for $5 dollar crayons because Zoe slipped them in the cart! There were only 4 and they were organic and stuff! Funny!

Helping Mrs. Musick complete her school work!

All into the work at hand!

Another purse day!

Learning cards in the car!

Mommy, I want this floatie!

You want me to stop playing with all these bottles?

Entertainment while waiting for food!

Yay Godmommy Aunt Janene!

Birthday Girl Gillian!

Gilly such a cutie pie!

Painting time!

Zoe was more into the butt painting than finger painting!

Trying to brush the teeth of my nail polish!

Yay Peter Piper Pizzas!

Hey, why doesn't this one work? Anyone have a token?

Little Gym!

Silly girl!

Thank you for all the fun you bring to mommy and daddy! We are so blessed to have such a precious baby girl! We love you with all of our hearts!

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