Saturday, April 21, 2012

Race Week, ZOES first race!

Zoe has had a very busy week! We went to the Little Gym on Wednesday! She hung out at our work late on Thursday because of math night! She went to the park on Monday and Tuesday! She also got to play at a park on Friday at "THE COVE" restaurant. This all lead up to her first race, but first here are some of the precious moments captured this week!

Yay Central Market!

"No baby, you don't fit in this one!"

Peek a boo!

She loves dinner time! She was being so silly!

"Let's go Daddy, I'm ready for daycare!"

"I'm waiting!"

"Still waiting!"

My favorite thing to do is to read!

Sleepy Friday morning... on the way to daycare!

Yay another park!

Today Zoe got to participate in her first race! It's the first race of FIESTA! It was a 400 meter fun run. Mommy ran a 10k right before! They literally were starting her race right after I finished. I ran it my fastest since before I was pregnant with her! 45:54, 3rd in my age group! Zoe your momma is getting faster! That's like a 7:22 minutes per mile! My last mile was 7:08. Pretty Momma will be back to her flash times! Ha ha ha!

After our races we waited for the awards and then went to a mini parade and Toddler Fiesta Celebration with some other friends!

Here are some awesome pictures from such a beautiful busy day!

Zoe thinking about taking Momma's gel for the race! She she always starts with cute hair! She just loves to rip it out right after mommy is done doing it!

Stretching for her upcoming race! Check out her first BIB!

And she is off!

Mommy needed to help Zoe alittle bit... there was way too much going on at the start...

Mommy checking out her little girl after the race!

Two pink girls finished with their race! Mommy can't wait to get Zoe a cute race outfit!

CHEESE! Very proud momma!

Mommy got 3rd place in her age group! FIESTA awards!

Zoe ran her booty off! She fell asleep on the way to the car!

Do you see her scratches on her face? She fell while mommy was racing. She had a jacket on and as she was walking with her arms held back, the jacket started falling off which lead to her smacking her face into the ground! Poor baby!

We made it the area where the parade ended at a park with Fiesta Toddler Acticities! Zaelynn was there with her mommy and daddy! ZOE not quite ready to fish like Zaelynn yet. Zoe kept leaning foward sticking her top half in the water while trying to grab the ducks! She said, "DUCK!"

One of Zaelynns bestbud, Saylor!

Chalk time!

She was so excited when she saw the bouncy house! It was cute!

How on earth am I suppose to keep my balance, mom?

She grabbed the ropes and said, "DADA?"... It was cute!

I had so much fun today! I ran as fast as I could so I could see you participate in your first race! I made it back right as the race was starting! It was perfect! Mommy even ran her fastest in 3 years! Not even close her PR but pretty awesome for being a Mommy and barely getting into running more than once a week! I am so excited to watch you grow more and more each day! I love seeing all your new things! I can not wait to buy you can cool running outfit for your next race! Great job today!
Thank you for being such an awesome baby girl! Thank you for all my kisses and hugs!
Love, Mommy

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