Saturday, April 14, 2012


Zoe is now 1 year and 2 months old! (14 months of pure happiness!)
She finally got better from being sick and is now about 21 pounds! She has had two mommy haircuts to date! She has 9 teeth going on 10 (8 front, 1 molar). Very painful and long nights for that molar!
She has added a few more words to her list! So here are all the ones she says right now: mom, momma, dad, dada, dog, bear, more, milk, no, bye, bye bye, dah (lol), boo, moo, night night (ni ni), bird, monkey (kind of), and yes.

She currently loves to point and talk about the birds when she sees them. It makes her very excited when a bird flys by! She climbs on and off of things, walks, runs, trips, falls, squats, jumps without moving her feet (very cute), offers hugs and kisses, and moves the kitchen furniture around.
She tries to put hair clips back in her hair after ripping them out after it took mommy forever to put them in!

She loves playing with her friend Zaelynn. It seems they are like energizer bunnies when they are together!

One of her favorite places to go after a long day at daycare is the park with mommy and daddy! 
She loves eating all food in general! Mommy is still hard at work preparing wholesome organic homemade food for Zoe. A lot of her snacks that we allow are: cherrios, organic veggie/fruit puffs (from target), squeeze foods from Ella or Plum brand (only the natural organic ones), freeze dried fruits and even veggies (she like the green beans), raisins, cranberries, any fruit, plain organic yogurt with fruit added, greek yogurt, and recently added to the list... homemade frozen fruit yogurt or popsicle!

So even though other kiddos are out there able to eat almost anything, we are still doing our best to stand our ground and only offer her the best! I think it will help shape her to eat healthy and have not so healthy items in moderation once in a while. I am really hoping she keeps eating as healthy as she is! And plan to not give up on this mission by demonstrating and preparing such healthy foods.  It's really awesome to see all my hard work pay off when she is caught eating such awesome healthy foods with enjoyment.  Sometimes she wants a little more of my not so awesome food items but it all balances out.

I am very excited that Zoe will be doing her first ever 400 m walk fun run race April 21. Mommy will be doing the 10k before either pushing her or having her and daddy cheering for her on the side! On my bucket list: ZOES FIRST RACE... so hoping I can check it off! We also entered Zoe into the little gym to get some social time, play time, and movement skill practice time! So far so good, I am very excited to watch her grow these next 5 months! Money well spent!

Here are some moments caught since last time! Enjoy!
Nake baby running around!

Here mommy!

I love daddys playstation stuff!

Playing with violet!

She loves sitting under the table!

Mommy and Zoe going for a walk! She is wearing cute pjs that we passed at day wear! shhh. don't say anything!

The look she gets when she sees birds!

I like how she is standing in this picture!

WINDOWS are fun!

Mommy finally painted her Zoes toes! The same day mommy went for a pedicure! Yay mommy daughter things!

Zoe has taken over our new plastic glad wear! We still haven't actually put it in the kitchen!

Brushing her teeth before daycare!

Zoe loves windows! Here are a few of her playing around with it!

Little walk in the morning of mommies first 10k since like 3 years. Zoe loves it!

Such an adorable cutie!

About to run the hardest 6.2 miles ever!

Mommy always tries to finish strong even if she is dead last! Here I am trying my best! I was not even close to last like I thought!

Mommy just finished the hardest race ever! The hills were the worst ever! READ MY FACE PEOPLE! HARD!!! Lots of walking and jogging was involved!

Mommy ran back to run with Zerique! We really need to work on our straining on our faces! lol! We want to look like the graceful girl in green! Next time sunglasses will be worn!

Proud mommy!


Proud daughter with her mommy!

Proud daughter with her mommy!

Fast mommies! First race picture together of 6 years!

Family picture!

Mommy after the race!

Yum! Cute in yellow!

Derek and Zaelynn!

Mommy was 1st in her age group and 7th female overall!

Yay Zerque placed in her age group! 9th female!

Cute picture waiting for our medals! Mommy did not feel good at all!

Good friends with awesome running mommies!

Wearing Mommys medal the next day!

Climbed behind her chair and stuff to get into her diapers!

Reorganizing the diaper baby stuff bin!

She finally made it in the bin!

My sweetie rocking the tutu and her newly made bunny ears at daycare!

Easter Egg hunt at Pam's!

On the way to the ZOO! YAY!

Her daddy!

Silly face!

She was pointing to the animals!


Huge Rodent! He reminds me of Splinter from Ninja Turtles! lol!

She loved the monkeys and birds! She kept saying, "mon-key."


Daddy and mommy trying to get a picture!

I really love our eyes in this picture! Zoe was hiding!


Nice picture!

She wanted nothing to do with this!

Hugs for her momma!

Zoe climbing all over!

Grandma Rhonda sent Zoe an easter gift! These cute sandals were part of it! Thank you! In the back ground you can see her drawing on the white board!

Someone at Walmart told me I look 19 and was wondering how on earth I delivered this precious child! It was humbling! I mean I know that people have babies all the time of all sizes.  But I was thinking about... I really am a strong person when I want to be.  It's pretty awesome and special that I was able to have this one!  It was funny that the lady thought I was 19... she freaked out when I told her I was 32. I guess I do look kind of young.  I mean I really see it in this picture... Looks like a "16 AND PREGNANT" picture from the tv show! Ha ha!

Mommy with her favorite girl!

Look at this cutie! "CHEESE!"

Children DO NOT try this at home! Mommy was watching Zoe as she preceded to pick up Daddys phone charger off the floor to plug it in.  What a smarty pants... how on earth did she know how to do that? Who teaches these things? I kind of have the pictures out of order below!

Kiddie area at the ZOO!

THE LITTLE GYM! She loves exploring but also prefers to just be in the center of all the action. She loves to watch everyone doing things!

Thank you Daddy for helping me!

 Daddy right after we got home from Zoes gym class... guess he got a work out too!


My bunny!

The bunny is playing with the RABBIT!

Being silly!



Debating on sharing an easter egg with rabbit or not...

She was sad for a second, she walked over with rabbit and gave me a hug!

She kept pulling all her Winnie the Pooh friends in and out of her ball pit!

She leaned like this to watch some barney! It was cute!

YUM, my first popsicle! Mom made it with yogurt, strawberries, blue berries, and peaches!

EASTER morning walk with part of her easter squeeze food!

Bunny left something for ZOE!

Her basket and friends from last year from Aunt Katy, Grandma Lori, and Grandma Rhonda.

Daddy is up, yay! EASTER BASKET TIME!


Cute face here! It's like she saying, " let me get this straight... the stuff on my right is from last year and the rest is from this year? Why don't I remember this?"

Look there's this plastic stuff in here...

Dad, move your hand... I want an apple!

We tried to get a quick picture near our house with the bluebonnets... she wanted nothing to do with it! She is like her mommy, she was picking her feet up and down like "gross, it's touching me!"

Funny how her hand gesture looks!

She was so excite when I handed her a blue bonnet! (It is not against the law by the way!)

Such a happy baby! This her cool car seat in mommies car!

She is looking at the other "DOG!"

Probably my favorite picture from Easter!

She actually kept these on for a while!

Shopping is so much fun!

Dear ZOE,
Mommy is always saying how blessed she is to have you as her daughter and daddy as her husband and your daddy! I love you with all my heart and makes each and everyday purpose driven for you! Almost everything I do each day is for you! You make me so happy and fulfilled as a new mommy! You are so much fun and always excited to see, learn, and try new things! May you always keep that joy that is in your eyes, heart, and soul!  You have really blessed us! Thank you so much for giving us all your hugs and kisses!
Love, Mommy with all her heart!


  1. Zoe you are too cute! ♥♥♥♥♥ I love seeing how big you've gotten! Gillian can walk now so you girls can actually play together now! I love her free silver shoes (hehe!), they are too cute! Especially with her painted toenails! I'm glad summer vacation is around the corner so we can visit more often! You are a cutie patootie! I love you little munchkin!
    Tia Mary!

  2. BTW, I LOVE the crying bluebonnet pic! My favorite pictures are the ones where they are being so dramatic! They make me giggle :D
