Friday, October 21, 2011

Another wonderful week with my baby girl!  She is such a fun baby! She is crawling and climbing up all over the place! She loves to pull up on things and crawl under things! She is especially attentive to anything that is an electronic device such as cell phones, controllers of all sorts, wires of all sorts, computers,  and so on! If she sees any of those, she will try to get there in 5 seconds or less!

This week she got to play with shiner, see her first pumpkin patch, and see her grandpa. She has her two front bottom teeth in and is working on getting her top ones! She loves eating her homemade baby food three times a day and is currently off of bottles! For one straight week she has been using sippy cups to drink her milk besides nursing in the morning and at night!

We are working on a better sleeping pattern for this baby girl since teething and last weeks fevers has caused her to get way of her routine!

She no longer uses a swing, bouncer, and is slowly getting done with her jumper activity thingy! My baby girl is growing so fast, it's so sad to think how fast she is growing and how much has already come and gone:-( I miss it all but enjoy every minute of seeing her grow and an learn each and everyday!

She enjoys keeping Pam busy at daycare each day as well!  She pulls up on the window to look out and opens her file cabinets to sort all the stuff in it! And she also likes to fit into the tightest spaces possible!

On another note, I am happy to say I am 7 pounds less than I was when I first found out I was pregnant! I have not weighed 104 lbs since I was 24 years old! I guess I can thank being broke, not snacking as much, and nursing my baby girl! I really don't run much so that can not be why. I mean I run a total of 1 time every week to two weeks... not much! With that, my goal in a few months is to get a gym membership and get some muscles again! I miss them so much! Plus it will help me run better and more often! For now I will continue to enjoy these precious moments with my baby girl!

Enjoy all the pictures of our precious baby!

Here she is wanting to play with Shiner and Shiner is wanting to play with her!

Can I grab that tail?

Zoe come over here...

Shiner is always giving kisses to Zoe!

Zoe is petting Shiner!

Poor Shiner gave up! I let him in after so her could play with her and kiss her all over!

Zoe sporting her other tutu from Grandpa Joseph and Grandma Tina!

Mommy look what I CAN DO

Oh wait momma, my toys fell over here!

Daddy can never tell momma anything about her wearing christma pj pants in June anymore... He put these on Zoe! They are big on her and started falling off of her... they are 24 months... lol! She was crawling all over her daddy!


My other favorite little girl!  Zaelynn loves bananas! Here she is sporting her Halloween shirt!

Momma, I can't believe you put long sleeves on me! Thank you Grandma Tina for my bow and socks, and Grandma Rhonda for my onesie!

Lots of fun and learning at my first pumpkin patch! She loved the hay and pumpkins! Everytime I looked, she had one of them in her mouth! Gross!

Such a cooperative baby! Sitting there all cute! Just wait until next year... who knows! lol

You hair is different then mommas????

I love this picture!

Mommy and her baby girl!

Look at those two cuties!!!! Poor Zaelynn had a rough time, but eventually loved talking to all the visitors and her little pumpkin! Bribery did not work for our photo shoot!  Hey Zerique... why didn't we ask them to take pictures of all four of us? We are really bad about getting us in pictures together!

Poor cutie... she is saying, "just get me out of here!"  We did get some really good pictures of her with her pumpkin and near all the other ones... that scare crow was pretty scarry!!!!

Hey mom!!!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your baby! Precious!

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