Friday, October 14, 2011

8 Months Old Today, 19 lbs, almost 27 inches tall!

Someone learned how to pull herself up last week!

She got so excited when she got up! She made a whole bunch of noises!!!

Hey momma, what are you looking at... I'm having a blast with my toys!

Grandma Lori and Auntie Holly came to visit this weekend! I got to go to New Braunfels to Landa Park, Water2Wine Winery, Montana Mikes, Gruene, oh and the Airport! I loved seeing them all weekend! It was so much fun! They need to come visit more often! The sad thing is... momma forgot her camera! Let us hope that Grandma will send mommy the pictures so she can add them to the blog!
Here Zoe is crawling across the house following mommy while trying to grab the camera!

She is so fast and cute! Look at her teeth!!! So cute! I kept this picture because of her teeth showing!

Grandma Lori feeding me! Yum Yum!

Wake up Aunt Holly.. It's play time!!!

She is such a happy baby!

It finally rained!!!

Zoe watched it rain for a little bit!
  Yummy breakfast!

Aunt Holly played Elvis and Lee Greenwood until Daddy came in and said.. that's way too much! In the end Zoe got a great nap!


Zoe got her first fever illness on Tuesday to Thursday Oct. 11-13. Poor baby got up to 103 degrees. Went up and down the whole time! Here are some captured moments. She still tried to smile and laugh through her discomfort! Poor baby was so miserable. but she's such a happy baby she tried to be strong!

Mommy had to leave school on Wednesday to take you to the doctor! You went back up to 102 degrees. You were not eating well at all. I was so glad when you finally napped!

Yummy Butternut Squash $2 and it made 35 servings! On half of them I added banana and pumpkin spice! It was yummy to both of us! I also made more oatment, rice cereal, and peas! So we spent like 14 dollars total so far for all her food for 11 weeks of food, plus what is all still frozen!
 Feeling better Thursday evening!

Not feeling so well again!

And now for her 8 month picture! Look at that cutie pie!

 She decided to attack me!

Mommy and her favorite baby girl! Happy 8 month birthday! You weigh 19 pounds with your clothes on and are about 27 inches tall!  I love you so much and am so glad that you are better and don't have any more fevers!!!! I love you with all my heart and thank you each and every moment for all your love, smiles, and hugs!!!! Love you mommy!!!!

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