Sunday, October 16, 2011


Zoe had her first photo shoot since she was 8 days old! How perfect at 8 months old! It was really weird... she is 99% of the time the happiest and most smiley baby ever! We take her at 11:30am for pictures, she becomes the most serious looking baby ever! She would not smile or laugh??? The photographer even told us we should reschedule! So we did! We came back at 4:30pm.. kind of the same thing, but after a few shots, she got warmed up! It was funny how I can get her to laugh and smile all the time with my camera naturally! It made me realize how un-natural it is to go to photo places and act out and pose for pictures! I think I am liking the fact that I have taken each and every picture of her since she was 8 days old! I just thought, it would be nice to have some professional ones... um, now I am not so sure! I think as long as we have pictures, it does not matter who takes them or how! Besides, I think I take pretty great pictures anyways!
Here are Zoes 8 months pictures! They are adorable! We also took a few in her Halloween costume, those will come later!
Enjoy my cutie and her beautiful pictures!

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