Sunday, October 30, 2011

8 1/2 Months Old: Baby LILY, Halloween, Marschalls, Jeremiah


Good picture... daddy open your eyes!

My cutie pie all ready for daycare!

She has her bow on from Grandpa, onesie that Zaelynn wore last year, and the cute bag, made by Pam... she's ready!

Zoe with her "TRICK OR TREAT" Face!
Zoe is growing more and more each day! This week she had lots of fun with mommy and daddy! She loves to crawl really fast towards anything off limits! She loves crawling up on things too! She is working on getting her top teeth in so has had some crazy nights but has managed to be asleep by 8:45pm each night when we don't mess her routine up.

Here she is playing with daddy!

She looks so cute loving on her daddy!

Sporting her onesie for Elaine and Brad Marschall!

So serious! Here she looks like her mommy!

My cutie fell asleep on mommy!

Zoe loves playing on her toy zebra. It's for 18 months and older, but she was bored with everything else.

October 23, we went to see baby Lily and her parents! Lily was born like 5 hours after Zoe. Mommy use to work with Lily's mommy!

Baby Lily loves to stand everywhere! She is really good at moving around!

"No pictures please!"

"Hey, why did your mommy put you in there?"

Wow this is a big pumpkin!

Baby Zoe kept Baby Lily up past her bedtime... she would take a bite of food, then fall asleep between bites... priceless! So precious!

For some reason, putting pjs on babies, makes them wake up all of the sudden! They had fun moving all over the kitchen and stuff!

Right as we were leaving, we realized we didn't get pictures of them! We had to use the magical "glow worm" to put them in a trance to look in the direction of the camera! It was cute to have them next to each other!

They got tired of looking at the glow worm, so crawled straight for it!

Cute picture!

Zoe was trying another kind of sippy cup... this is how she approached it and continued to drink out of it for like 1 minute. It was hilarious!

Being silly with mommy!

October 29th, eating before going to a birthday party for her friend "Jeremiah." Cute pictures!

She was tired but didn't want to take a nap, so stood there and put her head down!
Very adorable!

The birthday boy, "Jeremiah" at Chucky Cheese!

I love driving around!

I think we will be coming back here often! One quarter per game! Way cheaper then other places!

She was in "awe" of Chucky!
She loved this balloon!

Birthday Boy!

First Halloween Party! She was such a great, happy baby! She just didn't go to sleep until 10:30pm, but slept until 12pm the next day!
I love my little "Piglet!"

She finally was happy to be with Brad!

Elaine is one of my favorite teacher babysitter! She is the best hostess ever!

Mommy picked up a coat for NEW YORK CITY NEXT WEEK! It was only 14 dollars! Now Zoe can be warm in the cold cold cold weather, while mommy tries to finish the NEW YORK CITY ING MARATHON NOVEMBER 6TH!

Got a back up beanie for $1! I am going to borrow a cute one from my friend Zaelynn too! She looked so cute in this coat!
I am excited to take our little family to NEW YORK this Thursday! Her grandma Rhonda and Grandpa Ken will be coming with us also... this will help so Daddy and Mommy can have a night on the town!
Lots of love to my baby girl and her first far trip and on an airplane!

Anyone have any travel tips???? Airplane travel tips????