Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cutie Pie!!!!

Another great week for baby girl! She is having lots of fun sitting and crawling! She loves playing with her toys and looking at her flash cards and books! My last baby food creation was carrots! Yum! Only 99 cents for 16 servings! She also started eating solids two times a day at daycare! What a big girl, growing so fast! Now she eats solids 3 times a day! Her food of choice so far: sweet potatoes, brown rice cereal, peas, apple sauce, mum mums, and now carrots! Here is proof that we need to put down the mattress! She was trying to pull herself up to see me and then peek between the posts to see me when I hid from her! It was so adorable!

Cutie sitting!

So we decided to try on the Piglet outfit from cousin Brianna! She wore when she was a baby, over 14 years ago!!! Turns out, it fits her! So adorable!!!! Or maybe it was Rians??? I can not remember... ha ha ha! How can you say, "NO" to this little piggy....

Grandpa came to visit on Wednesday for the night! He let me wear his hat, he fed me dinner, and gave me lots of hugs and love! I love visiting with him!

Baby girl is now wearing 6-9 month clothes but it seems she is wearing mostly 9 months lately! I mean the onesies fit but the full body ones like the ones below seem to fit alittle tighter! Look how cute she looks! See her little cut on her eyelid... she did this at daycare with her nails! It's so hard to cut her nails!

Pretty baby!

Baby Zoe,

I love you with all my heart! Thank you for all your smiles and all the time with you! I look forward to all the moments with you each and everyday!

Mommy loves you! You are the best baby ever, I am so thankful for you!

Love, Mommy

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Baby Zoe wears her first little Tutu outift!!!

Zoe and Mommy had lots of fun on Saturday with her cute little Tutu outfit from Grandma "Mimi" Tina and Grandpa Joseph! Well one of the two outfits like that:-) Here you can see her excitement to take a picture! Then she realized what was going on! Picture time!

I love this smile even though one of eyes was kind of closed!

She realized the texture of the TUTU!

More cuteness!

Mommy I'm ready for my photo shoot!

Here I come!

Laying down pose!

Modeling pose!

How did she learn to pose?????

Daddy kept laughing at this, because he walked over and saw me taking a picture of her posing!

Can I have the camera??

Here are some pictures taken from my cell phone of my cutie pie from the last two weeks! Enjoy! Here Zoe is demonstrating a need to put the mattress lower! She was upset because she didn't want to take a nap, when I walked in she was pulling herself up to see me and then playing peekaboo with me between the boards! It was funny and hard to leave her in there with all the laughing she was doing!

Wearing my shirt from when I was a baby!

New shoes and teether!!! It must be pay day!

I love this face she is making!

Good talking time with her friend!

So bored and sad that Mommy and Daddy had to work so late!

Cutie pie ran 10 miles with mommy and then took a shower at the Gym also!


First day not 100 degrees!

The number of the day is "7"

7 months old Sept. 14th

September 4th-September15th. Baby Zoe is still practicing how to sit and crawl! She is always happy! Here are some of the pictures and experiences from the last few days!
Below she is playing with her "ZOE" doll! She is sporting her really cute "ZOE" slippers!

Such a cutie pie, waiting for her God Parents to come visit! Any minute now baby girl!

We got her some cute diapers that were decorated! Love them Pampers... just not the price! So we are enjoying these cute diapers and hope they last! It is really funny because right when I put them on her, she peed! Then a new diaper... she pooped! I was sad to see two cute diapers gone in five minutes!

I love this picture of her, over the shoulder glance with the cute diaper butt!

I think we have a couch potatoe! Look her watching Word World and using the remote control already! Mommy doesn't even get to use the remote control! You must have Daddy wrapped around your finger little sweetie!

I love my God Father, "Uncle Aaron!"

Come on God Mommy "Aunt Janene," watch Word World with us!

Mommy with no make up on with the cutest baby in the world! She brightens my days!

Hey cutie, what you smiling at? You are so adorable! I love taking pictures of you! I want to catch every second possible!

It's been a long day, time for my two hour nap!

Playing with Mommy is so much fun! I love playing in the blanket!

What did you say Mommy? Did you say pose for the photo?

We just went for a walk around the block and to get the mail! Mommy was lazy wearing her pjs! Hey, as long as my baby looks like a cutie... that's all that matters!

Yummy applesauce and bananas!

Sometimes I need my paci and my tigger, but only sometimes!

Baby Zoe,

I love you so much! Thank you for each day!

Love, Mommy