Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Vacation is finally over....BOO!

My baby girl has been going to daycare for the last 3 weeks and officially starts 5 days a week daycare August 15. Summer is over and it makes me sad! I wish it could be just a few weeks more. Baby Zoe is starting to grow more and more. She is rolling and scooting all over the place! She can sit for 30 seconds to a minute or so at a time! She is 25 inches long, weighs 16 pounds and 3 ounces, and is sleeping in her crib in her own room! We even made her some brown rice cereal with our food processor and have been feeding her it once a night for the last two weeks almost!

Every now and then she wakes up in the middle of the night around 3, 4, or 5 in the morning... if she can't be rocked backed to sleep or is hungry then she ends up back in our room! I am all right with that because I know she is only this small once. I need to take advantage of every moment possible!
In these last few weeks we got another visit from Grandpa Joseph, put the rest of our patio together, went to the Zoo one more time, ran some more, and basically hung out with baby girl as much as possible! Below you will find all of the captured moments of our precious gift from God above! I hope you enjoy seeing her grow with each picture you see!

I love this face!

Who made this baby so happy?

Can I eat this?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! He bought this for her when he found out we were having a girl! He has a hard time taking pictures with his eyes opened... so her are how many pictures we tried! Notice how baby girl is smiling and grinning in all of them. Also, notice how some of them they are making the same face! Like Daddy Like Daughter!

Wow look at this toy... I want to play with it!

She is addicted to this air water fish tha ther Great Grandma Judith gave to her!
She likes to lick it and bite on it. It is so funny to see!

Being cute with mommy!

Probably the cutest picture ever!

Such a technology freak! I paused the show, "Word World!" She got all mad... it was funny! I love my baby girl!

Happy Baby in her car seat!

Goofy playing with her activity thingy while wearing her apple bottoms outfit...lol

Momma this is how it is going to go.... I like how she is pointing and sucking her thumb...

Baby girl went to her cardiologist to check her heart murmur. She is doing good with it sitting at the 2.7-3.0mm. She was such a good patient on this day!

We went to visit Mary and Baby Gillian! She let Zoe watch word world! Zoe loved it!

Thanks Gillian for letting me wear these sunglasses! "I wear my sunglasses...!"

Can we just go already?

Mommy take more pictures, I am posing!

Daddy, why do you always make weird faces... you are ruining the picture! I look awesome in all mine!

Thanks for all the hard work on our patio! Here are the pictures:

If you look closely you can see her footprints in the concrete! It took 4 tries! She was trying to play in it and grab it...lol! So they had to kind of fix it 3 times!

The very next day we went swimming! Baby Gillian got to go to!

Grandpa, "I love you so much! Thank you for coming and visiting me!"

Zoe gave Gillian her swim suit... so Zoe was just in a diaper here... look how full her diaper is... She really did have a swim suit but she went swimming a little bit earlier so it was wet still!

Just hanging out with Gillain! I love how Gillian is smiling!

Let me read to you Gillian!

Wow... how come she is made of toys?

Does she squeak? Let me climb on and see...

Isn't that my pacifier?

Just chiling in my overalls!

Simetimes I get cranky and I have to see the fishies to calm me down.

Seriously mom... more photos!

Sippy cup trial....

I do better at an angle on my back....

I love having my feet up in the air.

It is way too early for pictures.

My first food! Homemade brown rice cereal!

Yum and weird at the same time...

I am pooped....

Second trip to the Zoo! Happy Baby! Our last Tuesday before working the next day.

Big Turtle

She loved the birds!

Give me more nector!


WE LOVE YOU AND WILL MISS EACH AND EVERYDAY WHILE WE ARE AT WORK AND YOU ARE AT DAYCARE! Stay happy and healthy! I am excited to see you learning so much more and more each day! Keep it up!

Love always, Mommy

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