Monday, August 15, 2011


Happy 1/2 a year Birthday! Here is my favorite picture from August 14, 2011. I wrote all the details of the last week after all the pictures! Enjoy seeing our baby girl grow and then read below from August 10-14th! Zoes new play area! Costco had the perfect mat for $19:-)

Uncle Jeffrey, I have not seen you in a while! Good morning, it's my 1/2 bday!

I made red velvet cupcakes with creamy vanilla icing all from scratch! They came out so yummy!

Shoes lasted like 2 minutes:-) The flower lasted like 20 minutes:-) She posed for her pictures, so there are a few below!

Here is the second toy we have bought her! Every month at payday, we take her shopping for a new learning toy! This one was a hit with all the babies at the house!

Zoes God Mommy Janene holding baby Gillian (she is almost 12 weeks here) I have known Zerique for over 5 years... I think this is our first picture! How wonderful it's with our baby girls playing! I hope they grow up together and are best buds!

Zaelynn so cute! Zoe is probably wondering why she has the balls in her hands... ha ha ha!

Where did all the balls go?

All the boys outside drinking some bottled water, grilling, and enjoying the nice hot sun! They also played with a sprayer thingy to get rid of all the wasps! Yummy, "mum mums!"

ZOE GRACE MENCHEY- just turned 1/2 a year Sunday August 14th! She has her 6 month doctor appt. Friday August 19th. She had three shots and blood drawn. She did so great! She weighed 16 pounds and 12 ounces and is 26.75 inches long! She is doing so awesome!

Right after the appointment we took her for her ear piercing! She cried for like 10 seconds and then starting smiling and laughing! I think it was harder for me then her!

Now back to her 1/2 a year celebration... Last year we celebrated with Zerique and Dereck for Zaelynns 1/2 birthday. SO this year we thought we would start a first 1/2 birthday tradition. We celebrated by having some good friends and family over! It was nice! I made some red velvet cup cakes from scratch along with some creamy vanilla icing from scratch as well! I think they came out awesome, considering there are no more left!

Daddy got his dream grill using earned bonus money from school to cook us some yummy hamburgers and corn! It was so perfect! Here are all the wonderful people that came to celebrate with you Zoe:

Mommy and Daddy

Grandma Rhonda and Uncle Jeffrey

Zerique, Dereck, and Zaelynn

Aunt (cousin) God Mother Janene

Mary, Chris, and Gillian

Mrs. Chambers and Jeremiah

Thank you all for coming!

I can not believe it has been 1/2 a year. It really feels like yesterday she was in my tummy or just 6 pounds and not 16. Time has flown! It makes me so sad to think soon she will be running around and then boom... off to college. I will try to hold on to all the memories and be the best mommy I can be!

I love you Baby ZOE!!!! Love, Mommy

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