Monday, November 7, 2011


November 6th, 2011, I ran the NYC ING Marathon!  I wish I would have ran with a camera! The route was the best I have ever ran on! The sites were priceless!  I would run this again if hubby let me!
I actually ran into a person I met 3 weeks before this race at another race in San Antonio.  She was waiting at the start and we actually started and talked together!  What a small world to be at America's biggest race and bump into someone you just met in your own city.  Thank you God for putting her there and me in the right spot! It helped to let me start with such a great mentality!

I also wanted to note that I only ran about a total of 20 times leading up to this race since baby Zoe was born! That means with recovery from pregnancy and delivery and so on, baby weight and all!About every other week or more apart! It was really hard for Momma to train with you at home baby girl! Momma loves every minute with you and hated when I had to leave you at home due to weather or you not feeling so well. 

After finishing the NYC ING MARATHON, I really believe it is in my blood and will to be a runner! I wish I could tap into the part of my brain that says, "YOU CAN'T." That way I can actually be the runner I always want to be. Without training I can run a marathon in under 4:10. With some training, I can run a marathon in 3:40. Imagine the possibilities with training of 3-4 times a week!

Enough about momma! Here are all the wonderful pictures from the NEW YORK TRIP! I was so blessed to have my beautiful 8 month daughter and hubby along for the support! Meeting us in Atlanta to join the plane and help with support was Grandma Rhonda and Grandpa Ken! It was so much fun with everyone there! There was so much to do and see! I only wish we could have had more time and money to do so much more! It was such an exciting place to see! I loved every minute of it!

This also marked Zoe's first airplane trips!  Mommy brought her homemade food, pumped milk when not available to actually nurse, toys, blankets, and even the pump for the morning before the race.  Note for next time... bring the boppy and just give in and buy the organic plum or Ella brand of squeeze baby foods! They would have last longer, fit in any bag, not require freezing and ice along the way, and just more convienent!  On a good note, mommy packed your frozen pumped milk and homemade baby food so well that it was still cold and frozen when we arrived in NYC at the hotel 9 hours after packing it all to leave from SATX.

It was so awesome to have the baby that was the best traveler ever! I am so pleased with the way she managed all the changes going on at the time. We were so blessed! Such a happy baby on the plane!

Enjoy all the awesome moments captured in photos!

Zoes first airplane flight... look how cute she looked... wow she looks so chunky! I am here doing this blog when Zoe is almost 14 months... she has grown so much since this picture at almost 9 months!

After all the trouble at check in... we finally have a fridge for all of Zoes homemade food and milk, along with a crib! It's like 1:30am by the way!

Her cheeks got all rosey from the flight!

Goodmorning NEW YORK!

This is my cutie!

The City that never sleeps!

Do you see me?

Here I was thinking..."What did I get myself into? At least my family is here with me!"
I mean look at this cutie pie, helping me hold my bib up!

I really wanted to buy Zoe something from the EXPO... the lines were so crazy! So I took a picture and called it a day! So this is for you ZOE!!!! I also wanted to buy it for baby Ethan who is Elaines baby on the way.... a picture will have to do as well!

Also this bib!

She always gets so excite to play with our hair!

Daddy captured these pictures of me showing Zoe how to walk up the stairs!

Nap time waiting for the entrance into, "Ground Zero!"

KAREN WAGNER, a former graduate of a high school in the district we teach in!

Wow! No words can describe this!

A few of the new buildings!

The 911 Memorial Museum!

The tree the made it through 911!

A husbands story!

Eating some yummy pizza!

So we actually saw this on WALLSTREET, this guy looks like Daddy!  They were all on strike!

Zoe is thinking... in here again?


SO, the only snow left from a blizzard a few days before we got here! We got to see New York snow!

Last few miles of the NEW YORK CITY ING MARATHON!

Pre-finish picture, since my family would not be able to see me!

So I decided to wake her up... I mean when will I have ever be back here and when she will ever me this age again! lol:-)

Such a beautiful picture of Zoe Grace!

Daddy took this picture... silly guy!

Elvis for Aunt Holly!


Grandpa Ken!

The closest we got to the CAKE BOSS! Yummy food but we so wanted to go to his real shop!

We are inside the biggest live barbie house at the huge Toysrus in Times Square in New York! Zoe loved that she could see out the window! We are on the second floor!

Playing in a little tunnel in a huge Disney Store! Hi Minnie!

Mommy is up and gone and about to start her race! Here is Zoe playing with her new Monkey from the M&M store! She loves it! It says, "I Love Chocolate!"

On the ferry on the way to the Statue of Liberty!


Awesome picture!

Grandma Rhonda!

It looks like she is trying to do that pose where you try and pretend you are holding up the huge statue behind her! lol!

The Empire State Building

Mommy ran across that bridge!

After mommy finished her race... she was lost in the subway... it took her almost two hours to go a 20 minute drive because 1. there were no cab drivers even willing to go near the finish 2. no buses  3. a lot of helpful people giving incorrect directions..., so what should have been been a maybe 5 minute ride on 1-2 trains... turned out to take 5.... I had a melt down two trains away from my final stop... someone was just happening to be going my way and helped me! They were all so nice in New York! I was so upset and sad that I could not get to the hotel faster to see my family! It turns out that I missed Daddy, Grandma, and Baby Zoe at the finish area of the race!!! He was not sure if they would make it and they did... I would have never known... it took a mile walk from the finsih line to the exit... or so it felt! That is how the whole lost part started... they made you exit one way only which caused so much confusion!
Everything worked out in the end!  I was so glad to get back and see hubby and baby!
Rockefeller Center

My baby girl!

Cute picture of our family of three!

Open your eyes daddy!

I love this picture! Yes I wore my medal!

I always wanted to go here.... I finally got to!

Daddy and Zoe waiting!

Frozen Mint Hot Chocolate!

My medal and bib!

What an experience of a lifetime! I got take the two most important people in my life! Thank you baby Zoe Grace for being the best traveler ever! We love you with all of our hearts! I can not wait to take you other places! I can not wait to watch you run your first race, play in your first game, and do your first cart wheel! Hint, hint on the activities we want to sign you up for!
Keep learning more and more each day! Love, Mommy

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