Monday, November 28, 2011

My little angel!

So even though we didn't go anywhere on Saturday, Baby Girl was dressed cute in all white! She looked so precious in her all white outfit! I put it on her not really thinking much of it... Took her outside for fresh air and then quickly grabbed the camera when she grabbed the plant near her on the floor. After looking at the pictures I was thinking, wow... what a cutie! Check them out!

Just chillin with mommy! Begging us to trim her hair... I keep telling Daddy that Zoe wants her first hair cut... he wants to wait... Here is a cute example in the next two pictures... just alittle trim daddy????

 We love you Zoe!!! Love, Mommy and Daddy!

Friday, November 25, 2011


Everyday is a challenge to find a way into the minds of the kiddos I teach, but I try. Everyday is a challenge to try to bring together what makes me me and to balance this thing called parenthood, mommy, wife, and bestfriend. All in all I am thankful to be here and to live as much as possible.

I am thankful for great friends and family. I am thankful for a job, 5 years as a teacher, getting my teacher loan forgiveness to help pay some of the debt off. I am thankful for having my car paid off, almost completely paying off the cost of bringing Zoe into this world, having a roof over our heads, having close friends and family members that visit, and getting a chance to have a positive impact on 6th graders in mathematics. 

Overall, I am the most grateful and so thankful for my family of three plus fishies and doggies! I can remember 3-4 years ago when we first started thinking how awesome it would be to have a new addition to our family! TO hope and pray for a gift from God such as a baby! All the tears and emotions in our journey to have our bundle of joy! Now 2011 our prayers were answered and each day is a gift from God! I love this precious baby girl and am so blessed to have an awesome husband that is the best daddy ever to her! It is so awesome to get to see all of Zoes firsts! Having a patient/loving husband and such a precious daughter is truly teaching me to be the best that I can be as a woman. I am still a work in progress but continue to grow and re-prioritize what means that most... as oppose to what seems to be only distractions or obstacles. I am thankful for every breathe and minute I am here to share with everyone! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy these captured pictures from Thanksgiving!

Daddy made some brushetta for us while we waited for yummy turkey food!

Zoe had pumpkin, squash, cauliflower, pear, carrots, and of course Turkey! She did not eat all of this... but she enjoyed half of this plate on her first Thanksgiving!

The other star of Thanksgiving besides our baby girl! Great job seasoing and cooking DADDY!

Some play time and nap time after eating yummy food for Thanksgiving! Zoe got to hang out with her God Parents Janene and Aaron, cousin? Kylie, Uncle John, and Aunt Cheryl!

Sleeping off her Turkey!

Aaron was so excited to hold a his only Cowboy Cheerleader he liked... seeing how he likes the Bills!

 Wow, look at all this green grass!
Mommy the baby toy mat!

Look mom, no hands!

Modeling for the camera!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! Look at this baby girl! Such a cutie, even with some slobber about to fall from her mouth! Priceless gift from above! I love you baby girl! Love, Momma

Monday, November 21, 2011

November Cuteness!

The Holiday Season has officially started. This cutie pie is sporting some of her new cutest outfits! She went to the doctor today for her 9 month well baby check up!She got her flu shot today and only cried when they first did it! She is still under 20 pounds, at 19 lbs and 11 ounces. She is almost half my height at 29 inches. She is doing awesome! This cutie is so much fun! Daddy and Mommy love hanging out with her all day long on vacation days and weekends! So far on this Thanksgiving break we spent all our time with our precious baby girl! We like to sykpe with friends and family now too! Zoe likes to hit the keyboard and stuff.
Enjoy the beautiful pictures below!

This one of my favorite outfits on her!
She loves playing with this $2 puzzle I got her from Target! It's wood also, so I love it even more!

I love my potatoe, squash cubes! Daddy left out of town for four days! Mommy had so much fun with Zoe but we both missed daddy so much!!! Below she is showing her excitement to eat!

I can get you... you little piece of yummy food!

Before daycare Nov. 17. Such a morning person!

Nov. 19th, Daddy is home!

I want to play!

Mommy had her second night out since forever... again painting was the choice! Here mommy looks like an artist except if you notice all the other people around trying the same thing! lol! I had a lot of teacher friends come out and enjoy the night with me! Mostly from my old school and a few from my new school! I was so excited they came! I am so thankful to have friends that were willing to start their Thanksgiving Break with wine and paint! It was fun!

Master piece!

Finally another picture with a great friend- Zerique!

Mommy and Zoes God Mommy- Janene!

Kati and Mommy!

All the wonderful people that came out for some painting!

Nov. 21st. Cute overalls almost too small to wear. boo! Look at this cutie!

Word world time with my piglet and puzzle piece!

Nevermind, I want to watch it with mommy instead!

Look at our bellies showing! Kind of cute!

We went last minute shopping for Thanksgiving at Central Market! I was so excited to see carts that let babies sit forward... seeing how Zoe always tries to do flips and turn in order to see in that direction anyways! Here is a captured moment! She loves it! I would like to write a letter to all cart creators so let them know this should be a must! ha ha ha! Look how cute!

The day before Thanksgiving, November 23... this cutie went to go visit Mary and Gillian! I love this picture and the face she is making!

I love taking off my shoes momma!

Hey, I like how you can walk around... maybe mommy will get me one of these... or maybe I will work on walking soon!

I couldn't help it... I had to see if she would like it... turns out, she was not sure what to do in it! ha ha ha

Baby Gillian!


I promise to post our adventure to New York soon! Love you Baby Zoe, in two days you will get your first taste of turkey to celebrate THANKSGIVING! I am so excited as we get to experience all your firsts!!!! Love Mommy!