Thursday, July 14, 2011

Zoe turned 5 months old July 14!

Zoe is 5 Months Old! She weighs about 16 pounds and is over 2 feet tall! She is full of laughs, smiles, coos, and so much more! She is starting to develop her own schedule with the help of our routine. She is finally able to soothe herself by of course, sucking her thumb. She did this all on her own without us making her "CRY IT OUT!" As most parents say... She is able to play and when she is tired of playing she puts herself to sleep! It's kind of cool to watch the way she has figured out how to make her own time out from all the exciting or over exciting stuff around her!

She now tolerates being on her tummy, considering the fact that everytime we set her down on her back she rolls over. She is constanlty reaching and grabbing for things. She is starting to scoot her body towards the direction of something she wants. It's really cute! We will lie her down one way and the next second she is somewhere else the other way.

Whenever we put her in her swing, she gives us a complete bored look! She is telling us, "really parents? You can do better than that!" Ha Ha Ha! We now only put her in it if we have no other options of entertainment or if she is tired of all the excitement and we can't hold her at that time. She is starting to be entertained by her toys around her! She likes to be in her bouncer a little longer than 5-10 minutes now! She is starting to show alittle boredom with her playmat. But she still loves to look at the pages in books! This is good, because I am not a reader. Actually, I think I would be if I had time! Anyways back to ZOE~ Below is a picture of her starting her 5th month! She just went for a walk with mommy!
June 8th we took a weekend trip to Arlington/Dallas area for a family reunion! Here is Zoe with her Grandpa right when we got in. It is so cute how they ended up matching! I included all the pictures!

She loves dogs!

Here she is with Grandma Tina, "Mimi" is what she will call her! She has not seen her since she was 1/2 a day old!

Here she is getting ready for the reunion and Grandpa is loving on her!

Mimi enjoying her Grandbaby Zoe! Here is another color matching day that was unplanned!

Next few pictures are all the captured moments at the family reunion! Zoe got to meet so many people! She was such a good sport about all the willing hands that she went to!

Her she is with her Great Uncle James!


Here she finally got to meet her Uncle Nick!

Her cousin Brianna and Natalia made it out as well! This is Briannas first and Natalias third if you count when she was in her mommys tummy!

Natalia is such a pretty baby girl! She even poses for pictures!

Daddy I love you so much!

Very cute picture!

She loves to eat those fingers and hands!

Hello Great Grandma Nelda "Mimi" again!

The Maldonado's with their babies!

Natalia helping out!

Zoe got to meet Great Aunt Bernice!

What are these young ladies plotting?

Guess who won the annual chair?

Joey "Daddy" is so grateful!

Here she is with her Aunt Erin and cousin Addison!

We made it out to The Colony! She got to see Aunt Holly and Grandma Lori! She has not see her Grandma Lori since she was 4 days old!

Grandma and Cousin Natalia are playing with baby Zoe.

It looks like Uncle David is plotting something. What is Daddy doing?

Cousin Brianna looking beaufitul!

Zoe meet Nino! She is sporting her SPURS bib! I am sure no one will that baby anything in DALLAS... she's too cute!

Uncle David had to leave for work! Baby Zoe just got done taking a bath with cousin Natalia!

Our little family getting a rest!

Grandma Lori loving on Baby Zoe! Shh... be very quiet...!

Zoe loved seeing all the family members and looks forward to them visiting her! HINT HINT!

When we got back into town, mommy had to work all week so daddy took care of her! It was a long week for mommy! Daddy did a great job! Mommy took Zoe to Zaelynns house to take care of her doggies! When mommy fed the doggies, Baby Zoe played on Zaelynns toy! She loves her pop up crawl tent thingy! Here is proof!

This is what happens when Baby Zoe is tired and wants to take a nap! Such a cutie at 5 months old!

Baby Zoe,

Mommy and Daddy Love you with all of hearts! You are everything to us! Keep growing and being happy! We love all your smiles and kisses!

Love always,


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