Monday, July 4, 2011

20 Weeks Old on the Fourth of JULY!

Happy Fourth of July! Today is Zoes first Independence Day! Thank you to Grandma Rhonda and Grandma Tina for her beautiful onesies and bib she is sporting in these pictures below! I am so thankful for all of our military and secret agencies that help keep this the land of the free! I appreciate all of their hard work that they do to keep us safe!

Happy 4th to all!

Here is Daddy with his baby girl!

Mommy and Baby Zoe!

Here are all the new pictures from June 21-July4th! Enjoy! I love watching Zoe grow and learn all of her new moves! She is constantly rolling from her back to her tummy and back! She gets so upset when she gets stuck on her tummy! We always tell her, "Well you're the one that rolled over silly!"

A nice evening with daddy and mommy! I think Zoe was denying herself sleep here! She refused to give in and just sleep! Eventually she fell asleep in that same position and I carried upstairs to her bassinett.

Everyday around 7:30pm I take this precious baby girl for a walk around the neighborhood! She loves looking around at all the houses, grass, plants, animals, cars, and sky! She loves to feel the wind in her face! I wish it was cooler so I would not always have to cover her face from that hot sun! We always stroll by the mail box and she is always holding the keys for me! It's really cute how she always grabs them with her hands!

Finally we got to take Baby Zoe to the San Antonio ZOO! We only went for one hour since it got hot so fast.

She loved looking at the water and the glare that was made from the sunlight!

She loved all of the fishies in the water! It was funny how she did not notice the two huge hippopotamus right infront of her.

I love this outfit! We had a newborn one also! SO I took a whole bunch of pictures!

This outfit below is from Zoes Great Grandma Judith Moore! Second Cousin Zariah wore this dress when she was a baby!

This was another outfit from Zariahs collection!

She is still so much in love with her Octopus Guy!

She decided to take a nap really close to bed time... guess who stayed up until 11pm. I wonder why?

Doesn't she look so bored here? She also makes this face in her swing now. She is thinking... "Can you entertain me other ways, I am so bored with this baby stuff!"

How a lot of our walks end.

Daddy, I just spit up... yucky! Daddy is asking for a blanket when there is one right there near her legs! lol

Then she starts laughing and smiling! Thats our 0-180 baby!

This is the first picture where I agreed she looks like me when I was a baby!
This is one of my favorite pictures! She loves her activity bouncer! She loves this sun on it!

Sleepy baby girl!

Happy baby girl!Baby Zoe,

You slept through your first 4th July night fireworks! Maybe next year or the year after you will get to see them and understand what they are without getting too scared. Mommy and Daddy had a very nice laid back day with you today! You were so great for us with our little errands, your naps, and everything! I think this was the first day you had no meltdowns in public or in the car. Great job baby girl!

I do hope you get your sleeping time back. For some reason these last few nights, you have decided to go to sleep 1-2 hours later than normal! Please go back to actually being asleep by 8:30 or 9:00. You have such a better next day when you do that and it gave mommy and daddy time to sit down together and hang out! When you don't, mommy and daddy play tag team all the way until you are sleep which means, mommy tires out by the time you give in... then mommy gives in within 10 minutes after you! That leaves daddy, "the night owl" up without mommy:-(

You are starting to make so many more cute gestures and noises! Keep it up! Now if only you could do sign language or learn how to talk, so that we can figure out what exactly you need when you are a very fussy upset baby!

We love you with all of our hearts!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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