Monday, July 25, 2011

First Day of Daycare!

TODAY, my baby girl starts daycare! I felt so bad pulling my precious baby out of bed to take to daycare early when I don't even work yet! She did not even go to sleep last night until 11:30pm! I had to get a picture of this moment. Can you see my pretend smile? All I could think about was, "Joey should be my sugar daddy so that I can stay home and watch ZOE! I'll clean the house and cook and everything! That sounds way better!" Can you tell how sleepy she is? Look at her face... she is like, "why am I up so early?"

Anyways, I know she will be fine! Time has gone really slow since I dropped her off at 7am. I am actually doing this blog as we speak at 9:45am. How come when she is here, I have a lot to do and now she is at daycare and I am like..."well I will do that tomorrow... right now I will just wait for the time to go by and pick her up?" Weird. I guess I am totally addicted and in love with my baby girl. I love having her with me. She is everything we ever wanted. It is funny how she has had a routine down and today she completely changed it by the excitement of the other kiddos at her daycare. She has not even fell back asleep yet and she already ate again!

Here are the pictures from the last week! I keep adding more for each day since this is her memory and photo album! I love all her cute faces and expressions that she makes! I hope you all enjoy her beautiful pictures! You can tell that she is such a happy baby! We love her so very much!

We went to babies'r'us and walked like all the aisles after returning something did not need. Turns out Zoe loves playing with everything now. This "Interactive Zoo," was one of the main things that kept her attention the entire time. We got it for her and she loves playing with everyday. Joey and I promised ourselves that for now we can buy things for her in stores, but once she is like 2 or 3... no more buying stuff. Maybe once a month (around payday), we take her for something special that will help her little mind bloom whether it be a learning toy or book. That's what, a whole 12 items we buy for her in one year. This way she does not get use to the situation you see most in any store, where the kid is yelling that he wants something and the mommy or daddy end up giving in to the tantrum and buys it! Gosh I hope that is not us! Anyways, until she learns complete manipulation and special control powers, we will keep buying things when they seem necessary and holding out when not!

Why is daddy hiding behind Zoe?

This purple cutie wanted me to take a bunch of pictures! Actually daddy took a bunch of cute pictures for us! This was taken saturday morning after my 10 mile run. Daddy and Baby girl stayed home and slept due to sleepiness and not feeling well.

Proof why toy companies put seatbelts on every baby toy! She sat up and proceded to try to climb or roll over in it!

In the morning just chilling!

She loves the mornings!

I think she stayed in pjs all day because she was still not feeling well at all, even though she is smiling! So the picture below is after her evening walk. I changed her into summer clothes so she would not roast! It's funny because right after that she got a bath and more pjs again! She is soothing herself with her thumb!

This next picture is probably one of my favorite! It shows just how happy she is! Gosh I love that smile!

She is starting to get hungry so stuck her feet in her mouth!

I set her in her crib to play or just hang out while I did a quick chore or two... She was playing with her "ZOE" doll and then let out a little cry... next thing I saw, she was resting and then boom... sleeping! So cute!

Such pretty eyes in this picture!

My Chunky Monkey is being silly in this picture! See the cute little shoes her Grandma Lori gave to her! She loves them!

So she kind of fell sleep in my arms while she was having a major fit! See that cute belly hanging out! It's the only age we allow mid drifts...
We were trying to get a cute picture and we got Daddy's fingers too! This is how we get her to look at the camera! Just got all dressed up to go to Guadalupe River State Park!

Yay! I can't wait to see all my friends and family!

Here is her first river experience! She loved it so much she napped all by herself and then went out for more! We got there around 9am and did not leave until 4:30pm! We met Zerique, Dereck, Zaleynn (18months), Mary, Chris, Gillian (7.5weeks), Janene (God Mommy), Aaron (God Daddy), and Kylie!

She loves this pink swim suit and actually still fits it... barely! We don't have a pink hat and the other white ones are too big, so she makes a fashion statement with this one!

I like this one below!

Daddy is so glad his baby loves the water! He now has another river buddy!

Baby Gillian resting! She is so cute and probably weighs alittle over 11 pounds here! She looks so tiny... it feels as if Baby Zoe was never that tiny, even though she just was like yesterday!

Kylie, Janene, and Aaron! Mommy is here too!

Baby girl and her mommy!

Check out my winter outfit for mid July! She was sick and we had no intentions on stepping outside, so here she is sporting her new outfit from Grandma Rhonda! Look at the cute little butt!

We don't really have lots of colorful socks... no judging on the pink that doesn't match! Such a cute smile!

Mom are you done yet?

I am tired and I don't feel good.

We just got back from running 6 and 12 miles with baby girl! She makes such silly faces sometimes!

Now off to a cookout at my God Parents house! Just for the record, Aaron would like to be called, "THE GOD FATHER!" With the rhaspy voice and all! I like how her legs are positoned! Only pair of shoes that fit her!

Mom are the guest here yet?

Marylee saying hi! Daddy and everyone went tubing down the river except for: Cheryl, Mommy, and Baby Zoe!

Baby Zoe,

Mommy loves you very much! I am sitting her thinking, "oh my gosh, I am so addicted to my baby girl!" I am doing your blog as you smile, laugh, eat, nap, and even cry at daycare for the first time ever! I am lucky I do not have to work yet so I can go get you in 30 minutes! It's almost 12pm! Yay! I have done dishes, cleaned laundry, fixed your room, ate twice, played on facebook, and texted a few people! I am glad we are doing this early so that MOMMY GETS USE TO IT and you! I love you with all my heart and know you are in Great Hands!

Keep growing and learning at your own pace!

Love always and forever you mommy that thinks the world of you,